Nighthawk pointed out that on Queen Elizabeth Memorial Day there was not going to be a wide range of cafes open but Wild Bean had Café in its name.
Name: Wild Bean Cafe (BP Cumberland St)
Address: 52 Cumberland St, Dunedin
We went along and we picked up warmed sausage rolls, and Nighthawk grabbed a lasagne topper as well. Ordered coffees and went to the seating. I was pleasantly surprised by the seating as I thought it was all just for people waiting for their coffees to be prepared, but there was a nice little partition with bar seating and low seating and tables. We of course went for the low seating.

Overall, considering how low our expectations were, we were happy with his café. Service was not particularly great, but coffees were made in a timely manner and the food was fine, brought in obviously, but a reasonable price and what you would expect at a petrol station.
Did it feel like a café? More so than I was anticipating. Would I arrange to meet up with friends there? Very unlikely, but if I was travelling through a town, I would probably stop to pick up a quick bite.

Afterwards we decided we wanted to do another café on our bonus day off.
Went to go to Brighton Café but we were almost to Green Island and I told Nighthawk to check on Facebook to see if it was going to be open as it was a Stat day and it came up saying closed on Mondays. Quick change at the round about and headed down to Waihola. Bit of a discussion as to whether it counts as it is out of the greater Dunedin area.
I pointed out, our site, so our rules. Moot point as the only thing open in Waihola was the gas station and the dairy. Turned back to Dunedin and tried a couple of other options – Kuku Coffee in Caversham looked like it was open but obviously someone was just getting something from the store, tried Marlow pies and café on the one-way system and the open flag we thought we had seen earlier was apparently for the 24 hour gym next door. Eventually we gave up in defeat and went home and had an instant coffee there.