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A Christchurch City councillor allegedly sent three young people "grossly inappropriate" social media messages, including a sexually explicit meme.
- Hits: 1150
Read more: Christchurch City Councillor allegedly sent teen sexually explicit meme
- Article: https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/115985238/christchurch-city-councillor-allegedly-sent-teen-sexually-explicit-meme
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Life-saving motorcycle technology will become mandatory in New Zealand from April after years of campaigning from advocates.
- Hits: 899
Read more: Life-saving motorcycle technology mandatory from April
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A review into the Ministry for Culture and Heritage will look into the relationship between a staffer and the external developer responsible for a massive data breach.
- Hits: 1107
Read more: PM faces more questions following privacy breach
- Article: https://www.newsie.co.nz/news/162716-pm-faces-more-questions-following-privacy-breach.html
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- Category: News
The "Storm Area 51" viral Facebook event that once jokingly called for people to crash the fabled military base was more calm than "storm" Friday morning - but local authorities in the US state of Nevada remain on alert as tourists continue to stream into the desert for spinoff events throughout the weekend.
- Hits: 1076
Read more: Storm Area 51 event is mostly peaceful, but still plenty weird
- Article: https://www.stuff.co.nz/world/americas/115984329/storm-area-51-event-is-mostly-peaceful-but-still-plenty-weird
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More than two million people said they would attend Saturday's "storming" of mysterious military base Area 51 — but when push came to shove, only 75 actually showed up.
- Hits: 1308
Read more: Only 75 people show to 'storm' secret military base Area 51
- Article: https://www.nzherald.co.nz/world/news/article.cfm?c_id=2&objectid=12269679
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Armed police officers and dog units have swarmed Somerville St in Waverley this afternoon.
- Hits: 1105
Read more: Police swarm Somerville St
- Article: https://www.odt.co.nz/news/dunedin/crime/police-swarm-somerville-st
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- Category: News
Investigations into the cause of an e-scooter incident which resulted in the death of a 23-year-old man found no fault with the scooter, a councillor has been told.
- Hits: 1042
Read more: Lime e-scooter death: no faults found with scooter, councillor says
- Article: https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/115980426/lime-escooter-death-no-faults-found-with-scooter-councillor-says
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- Note from Nighthawk.NZ:
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- Category: News
Scores of UFO enthusiasts converged on rural Nevada on Thursday for a pilgrimage of sorts to the US installation known as Area 51, long rumored to house government secrets about alien life, as law enforcement officials beefed up security around the military base.
- Hits: 1241
Read more: UFO fans ready to 'storm' Area 51, 'see them aliens'
- Article: https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/world/2019/09/ufo-fans-ready-to-storm-area-51-see-them-aliens.html
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