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- Parent Category: Nighthawks Other Hobbies
- Category: Retro Computing
- Hits: 1107
- Note from Nighthawk.NZ:
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- Parent Category: Nighthawks Other Hobbies
- Category: Retro Computing
On today's menu let's bring VIC-II the future with my new product to solve an old question: Is PAL better than NTSC? No, BOTH is better! With huge help from our friendly sponsor http://PCBWay.com - PCB assembly only $30 + free shipping!
- Hits: 1352
Read more: New Commodore 64 product! VIC-II² PAL/NTSC Switcher
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- Note from Nighthawk.NZ:
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- Parent Category: Nighthawks Other Hobbies
- Category: Retro Computing
One time a while back I had one of them calls about a virus on my Windows machine... The delay was a good indicator that it was an overseas toll call... So that means they are paying the bill for the toll call.
- Hits: 1361
Read more: Scamming the phone scammers
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- Note from Nighthawk.NZ:
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- Parent Category: Nighthawks Other Hobbies
- Category: Retro Computing
I've recently got quite nostalgic for the early 90's era of PCs. I am in the process of putting together a Windows 3.11/MS-DOS based 486 PC to explore games and software from that era. Here's a tour of my 486 build so far.
- Hits: 1177
Read more: Using a 486 Windows 3.1 PC in 2019
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- Note from Nighthawk.NZ:
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- Parent Category: Nighthawks Other Hobbies
- Category: Retro Computing
We thought you would like to see a video of the behind-the-scenes work from the past few months regarding the new THEC64 Microswitch joystick and the full-size THEC64 keyboard. A lot of effort has gone into making both as close as practical to the original hardware we all loved back in the 80s. A video can only show so much, but lots of progress was made on both fronts and hopefully that comes across here.
- Hits: 1091
Read more: TheC64 Product testing
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- Note from Nighthawk.NZ: I am looking forward to this product to be released here in NZ in December. However I won't be buying one straight away, I will wait a bit to see if the updates fix the expected issues that normally happen...
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- Parent Category: Nighthawks Other Hobbies
- Category: Retro Computing
On today's menu lets pit 1982 against 2019 in an epic race, with help from GEOS, & our friends at http://PCBWay.com
- Hits: 1528
Read more: Is a 1982 Commodore 64 faster than a new MacBook Pro?
- Note from Nighthawk.NZ:
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- Parent Category: Nighthawks Other Hobbies
- Category: Retro Computing
Does anyone have these USB controllers? Are they any good on a C64 Mini? I need a cheaper alternative than the official one, and a 2 pack is about $10 cheaper on eBay.
- Hits: 1112
Read more: USB Controller on the C64mini
- Note from Nighthawk.NZ:
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- Parent Category: Nighthawks Other Hobbies
- Category: Retro Computing
- Hits: 1034
- Note from Nighthawk.NZ:
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