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Scientists have singled out New Zealand as a potential "ark" to reboot civilisation if a deadly pandemic swept the planet.
- Hits: 1100
Read more: Why NZ could be humanity's 'lifeboat' in an extinction
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Here are some of the top reasons why Greta Thunberg is a pawn and a fraud, manufactured by PR firms and used by an army of globalist climate change alarmists that seek to gain more financial and political control. They are creating an apocalyptic cult obsesses with the end of the world.
- Hits: 1244
Read more: Top 10 Reasons Why Greta Thunberg Is a Fraud
- Article: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Jpk8Ix1CCg
- Note from Nighthawk.NZ:
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Hillary Clinton has zero fucks left to give.
- Hits: 985
Read more: Hillary Clinton calls Trump a 'corrupt human tornado'
- Article: https://nz.yahoo.com/news/hillary-clinton-calls-trump-corrupt-152858860.html
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- Note from Nighthawk.NZ:
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A Picton man who caused $20,000 worth of damage when he rolled his car while drunk, will pay for less than $3000.
- Hits: 1136
Read more: Picton man four times over limit causes $20,000 in damage after car rolls
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The biggest iceberg in more than 50 years has broken off the Amery Ice Shelf in Antarctica.
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Read more: Largest iceberg in 50 years breaks off Antarctic ice shelf
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Jostling for a parking spot can sometimes be a messy affair.
- Hits: 932
Read more: Standoff over car park in Australia splits opinions online
- Article: https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/world/2019/10/standoff-over-car-park-in-australia-splits-opinions-online.html
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- Note from Nighthawk.NZ:
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A girl who cried with joy at receiving an AR-15 for her 13th birthday has penned an angry letter to the Prime Minister.
- Hits: 1040
Read more: Gun-loving 13yo girl writes angry letter to Jacinda Ardern about semi-automatic ban
- Article: https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/politics/2019/10/gun-loving-13yo-girl-writes-angry-letter-to-jacinda-ardern-about-semi-automatic-ban.html
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- Note from Nighthawk.NZ:
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SATIRE: US President Donald Trump met Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern in New York this week. Andrea Vance had exclusive access.
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