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Codiing and Gaming Engines

Downloads: 8
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Scratch is a visual programming environment, that enables kids to create interactive multimedia presentations, games and other applets that run in a web browser (Java). Scratch does not require you to learn any scripting language, you can drag and drop actions, conditions, sounds and other elements into the scrip window and arrange them like building blocks.

You can share your finished project via the Scratch web site and also embed it in your own HTML code (with some efforts).

Created 2021-12-02
Size 161.23 MB
System MS Windows
Downloads 440
Operating System :

PSPad editor is a programmer's editor with support for a wide variety of syntax highlighting profiles and many advanced features geared towards web developers and programmers. It comes with a hex editor, CP conversion, text differences, templates, macros, spell check option, auto-completion, Code Explorer and many other features.

The program is pre-configured for the most popular programming languages (VB, C++, SQL, PHP, ASP, Python etc.) and you can further customize the syntax settings. PSPad includes several additional tools that are especially useful for HTML editing (compress, format code) and also integrates TopStyle Lite and TidyHTML. PSPad can be used as IDE for a compiler to catch and parse the compiler output.

Additional features include support for project, file browsing, custom shortcuts, built-in FTP client to edit files on the server and much more.

Created 2021-11-21
System MS Windows
Downloads 160
exe2RJ TextEd15.23
(0 votes)

RJ TextEd is a full featured text editor with Unicode support, syntax highlighting and code folding. The features extend well beyond editing of text files and include support for HTML/xHTML editing with integrated preview (IE and Firefox), spell checking, auto completion, HTML validation, code templates, code folding, macro commands, customizable syntax coloring and much more.

RJ TextEd also includes a CSS editor and a dual pane file commander, as well as a FTP client to upload your files and several small tools to help with daily tasks (color picker, unit converter and others). A portable version is available, however, unless you really need to run RJ TextEd from a USB stick, we recommend the Setup version, because future updates will be much easier to apply and you won't risk overwriting your custom settings.

RJ TextEd is a full featured text and source editor with Unicode support. It is also a very powerful web (PHP, ASP, JavaScript, HTML and CSS) development editor. The functionality extends beyond text files and includes support for CSS/HTML editing with integrated CSS/HTML preview, spell checking, auto completion, HTML validation, templates and more. The program also has a dual pane file commander, as well as a (S)FTP client to upload your files. Below is a small list of features available. For a full list check out the features section.


Created 2021-11-21
Version 15.23
Size 101.31 KB
Downloads 260
(0 votes)

Vbs To Exe can convert VBS (.vbs) files to the EXE (.exe) format. It supports administrator priviliges as well as inclusion of additional files, folders, icon and version information.

The program can create 32-bit or 64-bit executables that can run hidden or visible and can be protected with optional encryption. Other features include a script editing view with syntax coloring, temp file management and optional UPX compression.

Visual Basic Script is a powerful language for Windows administrators. Its ready access to Component Object Model or COM makes it the preferred choice for developing full-scale applications for Windows. However, it is only suitable for advanced users. Non-tech savvy individuals find it difficult to work with this VBScript. The EXE file format, on the other hand, appears to be a more convenient solution. It is simple to run and starts up the program or installs it on your computer, instantly. So, if you ever thought of quickly creating an EXE file from the VBScript, use VbsEdit, VbsToExePortable, IPFS Tool or Vbs To Exe.

Created 2021-11-21
Changed 2021-11-21
Size 5.23 MB
System MS Windows
Downloads 466
Operating System :
(0 votes)

The multiplatform game creation tools for everyone.

Unity is a multi-platform game development tool, designed from the start to ease creation. A fully integrated professional application, Unity offers the free Personal Edition with all features, a Plus subscription at 25$ a month and a Pro subscription at 125$ a month with extra services such as Cloud building.

  • With Unity Hub start new projects using powerful templates. You can manage all of your Unity Projects and Editor installations. With a new look, you can customize your workflow, share and collaborate with your team, and more!
  • Start with game-ready templates designed to help you personalize and share your first game, including a LEGO® Microgame, Karting, Platformer, or FPS.
  • Create new projects with templates or tutorial project files. Choose from a growing repertoire of Core, Sample or Learning templates for 2D, 3D, VR, AR, mobile, Microgames, and more.
  • Keep all your projects safe in one place. Whether you’re joining a team to collaborate on projects or working on your own solo creation, the Hub lets you easily manage, upgrade, and launch Unity projects.
  • Download and install the LTS (Long-Term Support) or Tech Stream (Pre-release) versions of the Unity Editor through Unity Hub. Keep as many as you like, and run your projects on different versions to get the most out of the platform.
  • Take the fun of game creation to a whole new level. Through mini-adventures we call Creative Mods, you can easily add your own unique style and ideas to your game.
  • Show off your new skills and get instant feedback. In just a few steps, you can publish a playable version of your game on the web to share with anyone.
  • Download and install the LTS (Long-Term Support) or Tech Stream (Pre-release) versions of the Unity Editor through Unity Hub. Keep as many as you like, and run your projects on different versions to get the most out of the platform.
Created 2021-11-21
Changed 2021-11-21
System See description
Downloads 178
Operating System :