Vbs To Exe can convert VBS (.vbs) files to the EXE (.exe) format. It supports administrator priviliges as well as inclusion of additional files, folders, icon and version information.
The program can create 32-bit or 64-bit executables that can run hidden or visible and can be protected with optional encryption. Other features include a script editing view with syntax coloring, temp file management and optional UPX compression.
Visual Basic Script is a powerful language for Windows administrators. Its ready access to Component Object Model or COM makes it the preferred choice for developing full-scale applications for Windows. However, it is only suitable for advanced users. Non-tech savvy individuals find it difficult to work with this VBScript. The EXE file format, on the other hand, appears to be a more convenient solution. It is simple to run and starts up the program or installs it on your computer, instantly. So, if you ever thought of quickly creating an EXE file from the VBScript, use VbsEdit, VbsToExePortable, IPFS Tool or Vbs To Exe.