So we were in Alexandra for... reasons?... basically visiting Xaria's parents which is always a good thing. Means Rimu our Jack Russell gets to run truly free chasing rabbits and nearly catching one this time... and we can just relax and do nothing... which by the way we did.
Name: Industry Lane Eatery
Address: 51c Russell Street, Alexandra 9320
The trip over to Alexandra from Dunedin takes about two half hours at an average pace for our over seas readers... and today's discussion in the car was, "What and how would we spend this weeks lotto winnings." Asking various questions on the subject?

We had a a relaxing evening with the fire going and various card games were played, I took Rimu I a pretty large walk where she nearly caught a bunny it was damned close she was nipping at the heels of it and she had the growl going which she doesn't normally have till she has nearly caught something... we had great home cooked meal, and I even had pudding. (Which many will know that is pretty rear for me now days.) The I took another dog walk at 05:15am in the morning for an hour and a half getting my steps up on this walk alone...
However you are not here to read about our travels and what knot's of the day but you are here to read about our cafescapade of the day... Well I hope?
The plan was made... and every one knew where we were going except me... Not knowing the district that well nor knowing any of the cafes in Alexandra, I just nodded my head and said "sure" and tagged along for the surprise... Apparently "Industry Lane Eatery" it was and Xaria Parents were came along as well which was great...

There was a great selection of over the counter cabinet food from sweets to savory, including cheese rolls, sausage rolls, scones, and muffins etc, to a full set breakfast and lunch menu. Heaps of seating both inside and out doors. Since it is start of winter we wisely choose indoors. We got there and ordered just before a small rush of people which meant that order came pretty darn quick to totally honest. Xaria's mum who also works in hospitality industry noticed and said they are running a pretty tight ship.
The over all price was up there in cost but the quantity and quality was up there as well. My sausage roll would be up there with one of the better sausage rolls. The cheese roll was pretty darn good as well. It is starting to get hard to tell what would be my favorite, and getting even harder to remember them as I have had so many they are starting to blur...
Every one else ordered a breakfast meal, from all day breakfasts and eggs benedict to Salmon and coffee's. I am not sure who ordered what and what was eaten by who... Every one was happy with their order and service.
We asked our standard questions... Does it feel like a cafe rather than a restaurant? It is getting harder to define with some places. Since they had just opened, and being a winter's morning the outdoor seating hadn't been set up, so it lost a bit of a cafe feeling there, but they had all our requirements of being a cafe... The cafe culture we speak of can be a tough one to explain though.
Over all we enjoyed our visit, and the cost wasn't that bad for the four of us (I believe up around the $100.00 mark) considering what was ordered.