Category : News
Author: Lucy Xia

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Here is the thing; and it is not just "Chinese elders" it is all groups... if you come to a country to live, learn the language. New Zealand has 3 official languages, "English", "Te Reo Maori", and "NZ Sign Language"... learn any one of those. Learn and comprehend it. Don't just learn the spoken word but also the written word. I don't care where you are from. If you are a Kiwi going to live in Japan you learn how to read and speak Japanese. It is that simple.

We can not be expected to translate to every known language on the planet. How many languages do you expect something to be translated in. Why haven't you (however long you have been here) attempted to learn to read in English or Te Reo.

It actually starts to piss me off when I hear stories like this. You come here and you stick to your own group don't learn the NZ culture or one of 3 NZ official languages and complain. Why did you come here in the first place then?

I am not saying forget about your own culture in any way or form, but you have to embrace NZ culture as well and part of that is to learn to communicate, not just in the spoken word but also in the written word.

Note from Nighthawk.NZ:

Here is the thing; and it is not just "Chinese elders" it is all groups... if you come to a country to live learn the language. New Zealand has 3 official languages, "English", "Te Reo Maori", and "NZ Sign Language"... learn any one of those. Learn and comprehend it. Don't just learn the spoken word but also the written word. I don't care where you are from. If you are a Kiwi going to live in Japan you learn how to read and speak Japanese. It is that simple.

We can not be expected to translate to every known language on the planet.

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