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- Category: News
Russian clergymen choose 11 September as the country's unofficial ‘Sobriety Day’ Russian Orthodox priests have thrown gallons of holy water over a city in a bid to save its citizens from substance abuse and sex.
- Hits: 5997
Read more: Priests spray holy water from plane to stop 'alcohol use and fornication'
- Article: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/russia-orthodox-priests-plane-holy-water-alcohol-tver-a9110316.html
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Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern is refusing to rule out the Government purchasing Ihumātao as mana whenua urges it to enter into negotiations with Fletchers.
- Hits: 1078
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- Category: News
The Government appears to be unmoved by the Māori King's urging of the Crown to negotiate with Fletcher Building to "return Ihumātao to its rightful owners".
- Hits: 1043
Read more: Govt has 'no intention' on getting involved in Ihumātao deal
- Article: https://www.newstalkzb.co.nz/on-air/heather-du-plessis-allan-drive/audio/pita-turei-mana-whenua-asks-for-ihumatao-land-to-be-returned/
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Iran has threatened a crushing response to any military strike after it was blamed for attacks on Saudi oil sites, as US President Donald Trump said he has ordered increased sanctions on the Middle Eastern nation.
- Hits: 1187
Read more: Iran threatens US with 'crushing' response to 'evil actions'
- Article: https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/world/2019/09/iran-threatens-us-with-crushing-response-to-evil-actions.html
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India has banned the production, import and sale of electronic cigarettes, a public health decision that will dash the expansion plans of companies such as Juul Labs and Philip Morris International in the country.
- Hits: 1009
- Article: https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/lifestyle/2019/09/india-bans-vaping.html
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President Donald Trump renewed his complaints about homelessness Tuesday during a swing through California, talking about the harm it does to taxpayers seeking prestigious real estate and warning that cities will "destroy themselves" if his administration doesn’t intervene.
- Hits: 1152
Read more: Trump says homelessness hurting real estate prestige, will destroy cities
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A woman who consistently put the wrong grade petrol in her car, causing serious engine damage, has lost a bid to make the dealer take the car back.
- Hits: 1172
Read more: Driver put wrong grade petrol into her car, loses compensation bid
- Article: https://www.stuff.co.nz/motoring/115903134/driver-put-wrong-grade-petrol-into-her-car-loses-compensation-bid
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- Note from Nighthawk.NZ:
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- Category: News
Tasman Police have arrested two men and seized assets worth approximately $5 million dollars following a major operation in the district.
- Hits: 949
Read more: 72-year-old arrested in cannabis operation
- Article: https://www.newsie.co.nz/news/162488-72yearold-arrested-cannabis-operation.html
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