Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern ended four years of tough negotiations and secured a free trade deal with the EU this week - worth about $1.5 billion annually.
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Read more: Green MP Golriz Ghahraman calls for New Zealand not to go back to 'Cold War allegiances', focus on...
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- Note from Nighthawk.NZ:
Typical Greenie head in the sand... She has no understanding of geopolitics and has her head in the sand... doesn't truly know what real Kiwi's want or truly understand our culture.
She has no understanding on defence and our lack of it. If one wishes to become a neutral country one better have the ability to be able to defend your country and way of life because you have no allies that will come to your aid. At present NZ has one true ally and that is our big ANZAC brother Australia. All the rest are not allies they are partners friends etc but not allies. There is a big difference.