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- Category: News
Reporters will be totally excluded from Prime Minister's meeting with US President Donald Trump, but Jacinda Ardern says it wasn't her decision.
- Hits: 1110
Read more: No media allowed at Ardern's talk with Trump
- Article: https://www.odt.co.nz/news/national/no-media-allowed-arderns-talk-trump
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- Note from Nighthawk.NZ:
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- Category: News
A victim of bullying in the police was asked by a senior sergeant whether her complaints could be put down to her period.
- Hits: 1096
Read more: Bullying in the police: Victim asked if she had 'period troubles'
- Article: https://www.odt.co.nz/news/national/rnz/bullying-police-victim-asked-if-she-had-period-troubles
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- Note from Nighthawk.NZ:
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- Category: News
A man found guilty of raping his wife while she slept has lost an appeal against his convictions.
- Hits: 1425
Read more: Sexsomnia case: NZ man's appeal against rape and indecent assault convictions fails
- Article: https://www.newstalkzb.co.nz/news/national/sexsomnia-case-nz-mans-appeal-against-rape-and-indecent-assault-convictions-fails/
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- Category: News
A small explosive device was found in an abandoned vehicle after a two-car crash in the Wellington suburb of Newtown on Sunday, police confirmed.
- Hits: 1194
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- Category: News
New Zealand's population is booming, census figures show, and the Salvation Army is concerned housing is not keeping up - but Winston Peters is suggesting there is hope.
- Hits: 1135
Read more: New Zealand's population boom: Salvation Army says housing isn't keeping up
- Article: https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/politics/2019/09/new-zealand-s-population-boom-salvation-army-says-housing-isn-t-keeping-up.html
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- Note from Nighthawk.NZ:
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- Category: News
The president of the United States reportedly sought the help of a foreign government against an American citizen who might challenge him for his office. This is the single most important revelation in a scoop by The Wall Street Journal, and if it is true, then President Donald Trump should be impeached and removed from office immediately.
- Hits: 1362
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- Category: News
The United States aims to avoid war with Iran and the additional troops ordered to be deployed in the Gulf region are for "deterrence and defence", US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on Sunday.
- Hits: 1044
Read more: Troops in Saudi Arabia for 'deterrence and defence', US insists
- Article: https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/world/2019/09/troops-in-saudi-arabia-for-deterrence-and-defence-us-insists.html
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- Note from Nighthawk.NZ:
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- Category: News
In April 2001, deputy prime minister at the time, Jim Anderton proudly set out the financial policy that would define his legacy.
- Hits: 1217
Read more: At 18, Kiwibank still has only 4 per cent of the market. What's happened?
- Article: https://www.stuff.co.nz/business/115992087/18yearold-kiwibank-still-has-only-4-per-cent-of-the-market-whats-happened
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- Note from Nighthawk.NZ:
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