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- Parent Category: News
- Category: Defence
The buzz from New Zealand’s Strategic Defence Policy Statement (DPS) released last Friday has focused on its uncommon candor about China. According to a statement at the end of the document, the DPS was heavily coordinated across the government, and reflects a commendable shift in public tone. It’s on-trend with how other liberal democracies see the world today, and avoids doublespeak about threats to New Zealand’s interests.
- Hits: 1170
Read more: The Price of New Zealand's Strategy-Force Mismatch
- Article: http://www.incline.org.nz/home/the-price-of-new-zealands-strategy-force-mismatch
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- Note from Nighthawk.NZ:
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- Category: Defence
A Navy ship came close to capsizing with 75 people aboard in treacherous conditions in the Southern Ocean, Defence Minister Ron Mark has revealed.
- Hits: 1137
Read more: Navy vessel came close to capsize in Southern Ocean, Defence Minister Ron Mark says
- Article: https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=12084397
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- Note from Nighthawk.NZ:
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- Parent Category: News
- Category: Defence
Today I announced that we've begun the first phase of a vital vehicle replacement project.
The Protected Mobility project has initial funding of $18.6m. This will go towards procuring new light ATV style vehicles and will also fund the first stage of scoping for a replacement of the Armoured Pinzgauer.
- Hits: 1097
Read more: First phase of a vital vehicle replacement project
- Article: https://www.facebook.com/RonMarkMP/posts/today-i-announced-that-weve-begun-the-first-phase-of-a-vital-vehicle-replacement/2256329541246501/
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- Note from Nighthawk.NZ:
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- Parent Category: News
- Category: Defence
The Government has signed off the $1 billion-plus purchase of five new C-130J aircraft, bypassing a tender process, but citing the need for "proven" reliability in a "critical" defence capability.
- Hits: 1151
Read more: NZ military $20b shopping list: Planes, boats, soldiers, satellites and drones
- Article: https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/politics/113363745/nz-military-20b-shopping-list-planes-boats-soldiers-satellites-and-drones
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- Note from Nighthawk.NZ:
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- Parent Category: News
- Category: Defence
COMMENT: We're a peaceful, tiny country at the bottom of the world.
When our Government seems obsessed with "wellbeing", teachers are struggling to be paid properly, the public health system seems to be falling apart at the seams and people are homeless; it's not unreasonable to question why New Zealand even needs a military.
- Hits: 1885
Read more: Why does NZ need a military? For more reasons than you might think
- Article: https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/politics/113389596/why-does-nz-need-a-military-for-more-reasons-than-you-might-think
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- Note from Nighthawk.NZ:
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- Category: News
Minister of Defence Ron Mark has today released the Defence Capability Plan 2019.
The Defence Capability Plan sets out the Government’s indicative planned investments in the New Zealand Defence Force. It covers all capability investments out to 2030, and signals investments following 2030 that will be assessed through the next Defence White Paper in 2022.
- Hits: 1212
Read more: NZ's Defence Capability Plan 2019 released
- Article: https://www.austandnzdefence.com/recent_news/view/nz-s-defence-capability-plan-2019-released
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- Note from Nighthawk.NZ:
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- Parent Category: News
- Category: Defence
Minister of Defence Ron Mark has today released the Defence Capability Plan 2019.
The Defence Capability Plan sets out the Government’s indicative planned investments in the New Zealand Defence Force. It covers all capability investments out to 2030, and signals investments following 2030 that will be assessed through the next Defence White Paper in 2022.
- Hits: 500
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- Category: News
A 33-year-old man has been remanded in custody after explosive devices were found at a Christchurch property on Tuesday.
- Hits: 1202
Read more: Man remanded in custody after explosive devices found at Christchurch property
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