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- Category: News
The government is considering paying people to scrap their old bangers in a bid to modernise the vehicle fleet.
- Hits: 1157
Read more: Govt considers scrapping old cars to modernise vehicle fleet
- Article: https://www.newsie.co.nz/news/163568-govt-considers-scrapping-old-cars-to-modernise-vehicle-fleet.html
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- Note from Nighthawk.NZ:
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- Category: News
Prohibiting power companies from offering prompt payment discounts is being considered by the Government, but they hope companies will do it without regulation.
- Hits: 1088
Read more: Government's threat to power companies: End prompt payment discounts or we will
- Article: https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/politics/2019/10/government-s-threat-to-power-companies-end-prompt-payment-discounts-or-we-will.html
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Most people who use a lot of electricity, don't shop around for power, or who sometimes pay their bills late, can expect lower power prices as a result of a sweeping overhaul of the electricity market.
- Hits: 1063
Read more: Electricity reforms will 'take pressure off monthly power bill', Government promises
- Article: https://www.stuff.co.nz/business/116261780/electricity-reforms-will-take-pressure-off-monthly-power-bill-government-promises
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KiwiSaver has become an all-of-life investment scheme with value for people aged one to 100.
- Hits: 1062
Read more: Grey wave washes over KiwiSaver as over 65s refuse to close their accounts
- Article: https://www.stuff.co.nz/business/116246484/grey-wave-washes-over-kiwisaver-as-over-65s-refuse-to-close-their-accounts
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- Note from Nighthawk.NZ:
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- Category: News
Just imagine if the sea level rose by 20 metres. New Zealand's coastlines would be changed forever.
- Hits: 1069
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- Category: News
Aquaman actor Jason Momoa has told the United Nations the oceans are in a state of emergency and it's time to return to traditional conservation practices to turn the tide on climate change.
- Hits: 1366
Read more: ‘Aquaman’ calls for action with rousing UN speech
- Article: https://www.newsie.co.nz/news/163481-lsquoaquamanrsquo-calls-action-rousing-un-speech.html
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- Note from Nighthawk.NZ:
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- Category: News
I hope some people are ashamed of themselves after Greta Thunberg's meltdown speech at a United Nations Climate Action Summit in New York.
- Hits: 1283
Read more: 'Filthy climate lies' are simply child abuse
- Article: https://www.skynews.com.au/details/filthy-climate-lies-are-child-abuse-to-greta-turned-martyr
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- Note from Nighthawk.NZ:
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- Category: News
Sky News host Chris Smith says the idea of New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern winning the Nobel Peace Prize is “a real, real stretch.”
- Hits: 1154
Read more: Jacinda Ardern ‘should not win’ Nobel Peace Prize
- Article: https://www.skynews.com.au/details/_6090881903001?fbclid=IwAR320A4Ix_UG59_v6Kn8aupcoQvLjdYnblENt-_JLyCIXORz1NZY3DPHlR8
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