Category : News
Author: James Fleury

A Sydney high school teacher has pleaded guilty to three counts of aggravated sexual intercourse with a 14-year-old boy.

Twenty-four-year-old Monica Elizabeth Young pleaded guilty after her lawyer told the court she wanted to put the boy "out of his misery" as quickly as possible.

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Category : Defence
Author: Hon Peeni Henare & Hon Nanaia Mahuta
We’re deploying one of our Royal New Zealand Air Force Orion maritime patrol aircraft in support of United Nations Security Council (UNSC) sanctions on North Korea.
Category : News
Author: Mark Quinlivan

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern says overseas noise about comments made by Foreign Affairs Minister Nanaia Mahuta is unnecessary after UK media claimed the Five Eyes had become a group of four.

Laying out New Zealand's perspective on its relationship with China, Mahuta said in a speech on Monday there were some matters in which the two countries "do not, cannot and will not agree", before pinpointing concerns with Beijing's interference in Hong Kong's democracy and the treatment of Uighurs in Xinjiang. 

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Category : News
Author: Caitlin Ellis

A Norwegian conspiracy theorist who believed COVID-19 was a hoax and hosted illegal house parties has died after contracting the virus. 

Hans Kristian Gaarder, 60, who lived in the Norwegian town of Gran, tested positive for COVID-19 after he died on April 6. 

Note from Nighthawk.NZ:

 I winder if he believes it now?

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Category : News
Author: Zane Small

Foreign Affairs Minister Nanaia Mahuta says New Zealand is "uncomfortable" with invoking the Five Eyes to speak up on issues beyond intelligence matters. 

The Five Eyes alliance is a group of countries with similar backgrounds - the United States, UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand - that share security-related intelligence. 

Note from Nighthawk.NZ:

 Well that does it... she does not speak for this kiwi... and I am at polar ends of the spectrum...  The CCP have multiple times over stepped their bounds... The 7 dash line, the Uyghers, Taiwan, Covid-19 and WHO not co-operating, lying about everything, bullying the other countries,  the fishing fleet strip fishing in territorial waters of other countries.  The debacle in Hong Kong their Wolf tactics with their loans to poorer countries, and the list goes on and on...

I do not trust them, and we should not be trading with them.

This government has been woozled by the money and had the wool pulled over their eyes purely inexperience...

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Category : News
Author: RNZ

Lead should be phased out of plumbing for drinking water in New Zealand, an environmental expert says.

The call comes on the heel of a Ministry of Health report into lead contamination found in East Otago drinking water supplies.

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Category : News
Author: Daniel Rutledge

A social media platform being launched as "the voice of free speech" by MyPillow founder Mike Lindell is going to ban a wide variety of speech, he's announced.

The outspoken ally of Donald Trump says the network, which he's calling 'Frank', will launch next week.

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Category : News
Author: Lana Andelane, Holly Henry, Lydia Lewis.

Twelve New Zealanders associated with the HMNZS Te Mana have tested positive for COVID-19.

A Defence Force spokesperson confirmed to Newshub six Royal New Zealand Navy (RNZN) personnel and six family members returned positive results on Wednesday.

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