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What type of collector am I? I have no idea, end of article thanks for reading. I do know the type of collector I am at present will change over time.

So there are different types of collectors and I not really going to cover them all as I will rattle off a few and you may say I am none of them. However here are a few;

  • Vintage watch collectors, focusing on older, historical timepieces.
  • Brand-specific collectors who collect watches from a single brand.
  • Complication enthusiasts mainly focus on Watches with specific complications or technical features, like chronographs, day, date, moth, moon phase & tourbillons etc.
  • Limited edition collectors these collectors only collect Limited edition and rare watches or watches produced in small numbers, often with unique design elements or commemorative significance.
  • Tool watch collectors are usually focused on collecting functional watches designed for specific tasks these include Dive watches, pilot watches, military watches, and other rugged, purpose-built timepieces.
  • Design aficionados their main focus of their collections are aesthetic and design elements. The watches usually have unique, artistic, or avant-garde designs and materials.
  • Micro-brand supporters: most these collectors collections are from various micro-brands which usually are innovative, often more affordable watches from emerging or niche brands.
  • Investment collectors: These collectors are in it for investments to make money they will only buy high end orĀ or historically significant watches they believe will increase in price as they age. The watches are usually harder to get or they are very very rare watches.
  • Technology enthusiasts: The name says it all collecting pieces like smart watches and high-tech timepieces. Watches with advanced technology, connectivity, and modern functionalities.
  • Horological scholars: Collectors with a deep historical and technical knowledge and an interest in the evolution of watchmaking, technical advancements, and the historical context of timepieces.
  • Fashion watch collectors: their main focus is trendy and stylish watches. Watches that complement outfits and follow current fashion trends.
  • I like that one collectors. These collectors just buy watches they like the look of, it doesn't have to fit into any of the above categories, whether it is the dial, style, colour something unique that has caught their eye. The watch itself could be any style of watch or brand or design etc...
  • One of each collectors. These collectors usually will try and have 1 or 2 of each style of watch in their collection, ie; a dress watch, sports watch, a dive watch maybe chronograph style watch and also an every day beater watch.

So going by this list (which is not an exhaustive list mind you) I could be a micro-brand collector as 7 or 8 watches of my current collection are micro-brands within this category I could go further... currently I am only buy watches from New Zealand micro-brands. This is for couple reasons, to support my local country men in their business adventure which is always good. But also I like the style of the watches they have produced.

Part of my collection.

So am I a "I like that one that collects micro-brands that only collects New Zealand brands collector". Well the answer to that is partly true, but is another complication to it I also like dive watches and chronographs and gravitate towards those before a more plain or less complicated dress style of watch, excuse the pun.

My theory is first and foremost buy the watch you want, buy buy into the current trend of watches, if you do you may find that you simply don't like some for the watches you like just because every one else likes them doesn't mean you have to, and if you don't like the style of watch then why are you buying it it becomes just a waste of money and time.

Note from Nighthawk.NZ:

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