Category: Cafescapade
Category : Opinion
Author: Nighthawk

So today we went to Salt & Restaurant after trying to go to Boldini Café, however it was close which was not what we expected. It is normally open over the weekend. We saw a temporary closed notice on Google.

Name: Salt Bar & Restaurant
Address: 240 Forbury Road, St Clair, Dunedin 9012

Xaria had to go into town to pick up a prescription, so…  we decided to try and go McCafe, we actually went in, and looked to see if there was a serve over counter food like scones, etc,   Xaria said in the past there was. However today no, and you have to make your order over the at the Kiosk to make your order. The good there here is we ruled out McCafe as per our rules that it is not a café. So I was relieved that I didn't have to actually do the McCafe thing uggggh!... and we have ruled it out as a cafe as we know it.

Walking back to the car we decided to go to Salt Bar and Restaurant.  Our issue here was we were going to go here with some friends (which was supposed to be last weekend) however Lianne was sick so was put off for another time.

We found a park just up the road and wandered back. Now to be 100% fair here Salt Bar & Restaurant does not advertise itself as a café.  They had a few serve over the counter food a few sweets, and a few savories from slices to savory muffin and cheese rolls and of course coffee.

So we ordered two savory muffin’s and two cheese rolls plus our standard coffee’s. We found a table and waited for our food and coffee to arrive which did not take long at all. Our savory muffins  arrived first, quickly followed by our coffee’s.  In the meantime we were offered a water which we said yes thankyou. A few moments later our cheese rolls arrived.


The savory muffin was good with a fluffy texture and nice savory flavour, have bits of feta cheese and other savory bits… add the butter and let it melt through giving that gooey goodness. The Cheese rolls were also pretty good and again smearing the butter over top for more gooey goodness.

Xaria enjoyed her coffee, where while my flavour was fine I though a bit much froth a nearing a lattie not a flat white. But this would be my only complaint if I could be bother complaining which I couldn’t and probably wouldn’t.

The service was pretty good and friendly, over all the price was pretty good and our order came pretty quickly. While not advertising as a café the area we sat still felt like a café although later in the evening it would still feel like a restaurant and the main area your average lounge bar.

Would we go there to meetup with friends, well considering we were supposed to meet up there last weekend (or the weekend before) my answer is yes, and having visited here that answer still stands and we would be happy to visit again.


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