Stunning new images shot by NASA's Juno spacecraft appear to show a massive black hole on the surface of Jupiter.
The photographs were taken earlier this month as Juno's elliptical orbit took it close to the gas giant - only 8000km from the top of its clouds.

But rather than an abyss from which there is no escape, Jupiter's latest feature is just a shadow cast by one of its moons, Io, as it blocked the sun during an eclipse.
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Io is about the same size as Earth's moon. Because it's so far away, in the Jovian sky Io appears about four times the size as the sun - so its shadow is large and relatively sharp, compared to eclipses here on Earth, Universe Today reports.

Last week it was reported a volcano is set to erupt on Io.
Jupiter's other distinctive feature - its giant red spot - is a storm that is expected to dissipate one day.