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After being plagued with issues that resulted in an early and extensive remediation programme to correct deficiencies, the RNZN multirole vessel HMNZS Canterbury is now proving its worth as an essential capability supporting a wide range of operational scenarios. Kate Tringham reports.
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Read more: Canterbury tales re-told: RNZN multirole vessel delivers
- Article: https://www.defence.govt.nz/assets/Uploads/4568eed392/Canterbury-tales-re-told-RNZN-multirole-vessel-delivers.PDF
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- Category: Defence
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Some History
Back in 1987 when Fiji had its first military coup the then government wanted to deploy troops to Fiji, however as it panned out, the need was not needed anymore. However it was advised that New Zealand could not deploy and self-sustain the deployment, we could deploy the NZSAS and secure what region however we had no backup for the troops on the ground and could not deploy our main force and keep the supply routes to them open.
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Read more: Royal New Zealand Air Force considers C-17
- Article: http://nighthawk.nz
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When drug companies are caught faking clinical trial data, no one is surprised anymore. When vaccine manufacturers spike their human trial samples with animal antibodies to make sure their vaccines appear to work, we all just figure that's how they do business: lying, cheating, deceiving and violating the law.
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Read more: Global warming data FAKED by government to fit climate change fictions
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This exercise has just wrapped up… here is what the Army put out shortly before it ended, plus photos:
South Canterbury Region, New Zealand — Completing an amphibious landing from a sealift vessel, securing a port and transferring 200 troops and 55 vehicles onto land is all in a day’s work for Major Patrick Chartrand, who is currently deployed in New Zealand on Exercise SOUTHERN KATIPO 2013 (Ex SK13).
Major Chartrand, Royal 22e Régiment is attached to the evaluation team as part of Exercise Control for SK13. His role is to assess how well the operations are carried out and identify any gaps ahead of Exercise SOUTHERN KATIPO 2015. This means he is participating in every aspect of the exercise, including the amphibious landing at Port Timaru that signalled the start of the exercise on November 9th.
“Being involved in executing a real-time amphibious landing is a great opportunity and the more practice we can get will definitely help us in the future.” Ex SK13 is the biggest international military exercise ever to be held in New Zealand, in terms of the number of countries participating.
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Read more: Canadian Army Learns Amphibious Warfare Exercises In New Zealand
- Article: https://ottawacitizen.com/news/national/defence-watch/canadian-army-learns-amphibious-warfare-exercises-in-new-zealand
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The rise of the multirole vessel (MRV) has mirrored the evolving nature of maritime power in the 21st century. Dr Gareth Evans reports on how high-tech craft, capable of undertaking various roles, are becoming the mainstay of modern navies as they address the evolving nature of naval warfare, smuggling and piracy.
- Hits: 1115
Read more: The rise of the multirole vessels
- Article: https://www.naval-technology.com/features/featurethe-rise-of-the-multi-role-vessel/
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CANBERRA - A decision by the Australian Army to buy 350 locally designed and developed armoured cars may be reflected in a multi-million dollar sweetener for New Zealand industry in a bid to win a major transtasman defence contract.
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Read more: Aussie firm does NZ defence recce
- Article: https://www.nzherald.co.nz/business/news/article.cfm?c_id=3&objectid=3799
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