Category : Defence
Author: Te Rina Triponel

Melanie Huata-Lucas - who last year became the first representative of the Royal New Zealand Navy to have a moko kauae - says she hopes to encourage other wahine Māori sailors to be confident in their identity.

The 32-year-old received her moko kauae after 13 years of service with the Navy as a sailor and events co-ordinator. She is now transitioning into a new role as marae events and protocol manager for the Navy.

Note from Nighthawk.NZ:

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Category : News
Author: Daniel Clery

For planetary scientists, it was the boldest claim in a generation: an unseen extra planet, as much as 10 times the mass of Earth, lurking on the Solar System’s frontier, beyond Neptune. But the claim looks increasingly shaky, after a team of astronomers reported last week that the orbits of a handful of distant lumps of rock are not bunched together by the gravity of Planet Nine, as its proponents believe, but only seem clustered because that’s where telescopes happened to be looking.

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Category : News
Author: Scott Palmer & Jamie Ensor

Auckland will move to alert level 3 and the rest of New Zealand to level 2 starting 6am on Sunday, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has announced.

It comes after the Ministry of Health announced on Saturday evening that there is a new case of COVID-19 in the community - Case M, the older sibling of a Papatoetoe High School student. Their mother has also tested positive.

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Category : News
Author: Scott Palmer

ACT leader David Seymour says the Government has an "attitude problem" - and its "complacency' dealing with COVID-19 has led to the latest lockdown.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced on Saturday night that following a new community case Auckland would return to alert level 3 and the rest of New Zealand to alert level 2 for a week, starting 6am Sunday.

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Category : News
Author: Mark Longley

As Auckland awakes to the prospect of another week in lockdown, it is 12 months to the day since the country recorded its first case of COVID-19. 

On February 28 2020 New Zealand became the 48th country in the world to report a case of COVID-19.

Note from Nighthawk.NZ:

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Category : News
Author: Jamie Ensor

Auckland will move to alert level 3, NZ to level 2 Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has announced.  The lockdown comes into effect at 6am on Sunday morning.

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Category : News
Author: Asha Abdi & Alexa Cook

New regulations to create warmer, drier rental homes are slowly taking effect all over the country.

In Dunedin that means this year students should not be shivering through winter in grotty drafty homes. But that healthier lifestyle comes at a cost.

Note from Nighthawk.NZ:

 And the students will keep on destroying their flats...

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Category : News
Author: Jamie Ensor

There is one new case of COVID-19 in the community, the older sibling of a Papatoetoe High School student who is a casual-plus contact.

Interviews are now underway to establish how the case was infected.

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