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- Category: News
Police Minister Stuart Nash has mislead New Zealanders by saying a huge increase in gang members is because of criminals deported from Australia, Leader of the Opposition Simon Bridges says.
- Hits: 1119
Read more: Police Minister misleading about gang numbers
- Article: http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PA1910/S00038/police-minister-misleading-about-gang-numbers.htm
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David Seymour is criticising the Government's re-introduced parent category visa because he says it will only benefit the rich and offers little protection for taxpayers.
- Hits: 1018
Read more: Government's re-introduced parent visa category panned as 'for the rich'
- Article: https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/politics/2019/10/government-s-re-introduced-parent-visa-category-panned-as-for-the-rich.html
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The student who died during an out-of-control University of Otago house party was 19-year-old Sophia Crestani, who grew up in Wellington.
- Hits: 1164
Read more: Identity of woman killed at house party revealed
- Article: https://www.odt.co.nz/news/dunedin/identity-woman-killed-house-party-revealed
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Police are again warning about a type of scam targeting elderly Chinese people after an Auckland woman lost tens of thousands of dollars.
- Hits: 1758
Read more: Auckland woman ‘loses tens of thousands’ in evil spirit scam
- Article: https://www.newsie.co.nz/news/163808-auckland-woman-lsquoloses-tens-of-thousandsrsquo-evil-spirit-scam.html
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- Note from Nighthawk.NZ:
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A second whistleblower with first-hand knowledge of US President Donald Trump's dealings with Ukraine has spoken with the intelligence community's internal watchdog, the official's lawyer says.
- Hits: 1107
Read more: Second Trump-Ukraine whistleblower comes forward
- Article: https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/world/2019/10/second-trump-ukraine-whistleblower-comes-forward-lawyer.html
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A Dunedin student, originally from Wellington, is understood to be the woman who died after an incident at an out-control party at the weekend.
- Hits: 1253
Read more: Student dies after 'deeply shocking' incident at Dunedin house party
- Article: https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/116365132/student-dies-after-deeply-shocking-incident-at-dunedin-house-party
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- Note from Nighthawk.NZ:
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A section of a Dunedin road is on track to retain its record of producing the most mobile speed camera tickets. And it is not a record police are pleased about. Shawn McAvinue reports.
- Hits: 1187
Read more: City’s worst spot for mobile speed camera tickets
- Article: https://www.odt.co.nz/news/dunedin/city’s-worst-spot-mobile-speed-camera-tickets
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- Note from Nighthawk.NZ:
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- Category: News
Two people reportedly have critical injuries after a serious crash in Dunedin on Sunday night.
- Hits: 1029
Read more: Car smashes into power pole in serious Dunedin crash
- Article: https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/new-zealand/2019/10/car-smashes-into-power-pole-in-serious-dunedin-crash.html
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- Note from Nighthawk.NZ:
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