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- Category: News
Lift Off! Ship's Company of HMNZS Hawea, off the coast of Mahia Peninsula, got a front-row view of a Rocket Lab launch yesterday afternoon. The liftoff of the Electron rocket was the company's eighth mission, and made for a change in routine for Hawea's Officer of the Watch (Basic) training.
- Hits: 1110
- Article: https://www.facebook.com/groups/nznavy/permalink/2482505675402963/
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- Note from Nighthawk.NZ: "As the crow flies" is RocketLabs Ninth mission... just sayin?
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- Category: News
Marine activists are calling on Kiwis to cut down on their weekly fish and chips order in the name of sustainability.
- Hits: 971
Read more: Cut down on fish and chips to save fish and chips - LegaSea
- Article: https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/new-zealand/2019/10/cut-down-on-fish-and-chips-to-save-fish-and-chips-legasea.html
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- Note from Nighthawk.NZ:
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- Category: News
A Ugandan mother who has given birth to 44 children has been prohibited from having any more kids.
- Hits: 886
Read more: Mum of 44 kids banned from having more children
- Article: https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/world/2019/10/mum-of-44-kids-banned-from-having-more-children.html
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- Note from Nighthawk.NZ:
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- Category: News
Mark Richardson has come out with the controversial claim that Lotto winners often end up in strife due to an inability to handle their newfound riches.
- Hits: 1074
Read more: Mark Richardson targets poor people in startling Lotto claim
- Article: https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/lifestyle/2019/10/mark-richardson-targets-poor-people-in-startling-lotto-claim.html
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- Note from Nighthawk.NZ:
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- Category: News
The number of people on the jobseeker support benefit has jumped by 10 percent in the three months to September, compared to the same quarter last year.
- Hits: 1052
Read more: Number of people on benefit climbs 10 percent
- Article: https://www.newsie.co.nz/news/164720-number-of-people-on-benefit-climbs-10-percent.html
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- Note from Nighthawk.NZ:
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- Parent Category: News
- Category: Defence
The Royal New Zealand Air Force (RNZAF) and Royal New Zealand Navy (RNZN) are testing their helicopters and crews around the mountain regions of Marlborough as part of two 10-day training exercises running simultaneously.
- Hits: 1010
Read more: Military helicopter crews to test skills in Marlborough mountains
- Article: https://medium.com/@nzdefenceforce/military-helicopter-crews-to-test-skills-in-marlborough-mountains-37e38685f689
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- Note from Nighthawk.NZ:
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- Category: News
Lift-off of the 'As The Crow Flies' mission occurred at 01:22 UTC on October 17 2019 from Rocket Lab Launch Complex 1 on New Zealand's Mahia Peninsula.
- Hits: 1222
Read more: RocketLab launches 9th Electron. - As the Crow Flies
- Article: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=5&v=gI_Ng4SGyUY
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- Note from Nighthawk.NZ:
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- Parent Category: News
- Category: Defence
Two Royal New Zealand Navy Inshore Patrol Vessels, HMNZS Pukaki and HMNZS Rotoiti, were decommissioned today at a formal ceremony at Devonport Naval Base in Auckland.
- Hits: 1379
Read more: Navy decommissions two Inshore Patrol Vessels
- Article: https://medium.com/@nzdefenceforce/navy-decommissions-two-inshore-patrol-vessels-596a361f2a63
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- Note from Nighthawk.NZ:
Interesting discussion here: http://rnzaf.proboards.com/thread/28051/hmnzs-pukaki-rotoiti-decommissioned?page=1&scrollTo=280762
If they truly want to decommission them in the RNZN, donate them to the Pacific Island, one to Fiji and one to Samoa... This will show that we are serious about helping the Pacific Nations and not putting them in debt like China is
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