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Rocket Lab's 19th Electron mission will deploy a range of satellites for commercial and government satellite operators, as well as place a next-generation Rocket Lab Photon spacecraft in orbit to build spacecraft heritage ahead of Rocket Lab’s mission to the Moon for NASA later this year.
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- Article: https://www.rocketlabusa.com/missions/next-mission/
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Rocketlab announces the Electrons big Brother The Neutron. A medium lift vehicle able to lift 8000kg (8tons) to Low Earth Orbit and 1500kg (1.5ton's) to Venus or mars.
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- Article: http://www.nighthawk.nz
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Rocket Lab is set to go public in the United States with a sharemarket valuation of US$4.1 billion (NZ$5.7b) according to report by the Wall Street Journal.
The newspaper said the company founded by Kiwi Peter Beck was nearing an agreement with a company called Vector Acquisition that is already listed on the United States’ Nasdaq exchange, with a market valuation of US$390m.
- Hits: 558
Read more: Rocket Lab 'close to going public' with US$4.1 billion value, says US report
- Article: https://www.stuff.co.nz/business/124395942/rocket-lab-close-to-going-public-with-us41-billion-value-says-us-report
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Deal, which could be completed by Monday, would take Rocket Lab public, valuing it at $4.1 billion, sources say.
Space-transportation startup Rocket Lab USA Inc. is nearing an agreement to go public by merging with a special-purpose acquisition company, as a wave of such deals rolls on.
- Hits: 595
Read more: Rocket Lab Nears Deal to Merge With Vector SPAC
- Article: https://www.wsj.com/articles/rocket-lab-nears-deal-to-merge-with-vector-spac-11614556800
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South Auckland is disappointed by the latest Covid-19 cases, but a local councillor says it’s pointless pointing fingers and moaning.
On Saturday evening, it was announced that a 21-year-old sibling of a Papatoetoe High School student had tested positive for Covid-19. The 21-year-old’s mother also tested positive for the virus.
- Hits: 561
Read more: Community says 'let's move on' from pointing fingers at latest case
- Article: https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/health/coronavirus/124387817/covid19-community-says-lets-move-on-from-pointing-fingers-at-latest-case
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OPINION: Perhaps sensing blood in the water for the Government as Auckland begins its second lockdown in a fortnight, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has pointed to the personal failures of a few and stoked the fear of death by Covid.
“Covid kills people ... We must never lose sight of the reason we take these measures,” Ardern said, opening a press conference with two “reminders” on Sunday afternoon.
- Hits: 538
Read more: Blame and fear for the team of five million, as PM pleads for compliance
- Article: https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/politics/124387831/covid19-blame-and-fear-for-the-team-of-five-million-as-pm-pleads-for-compliance
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- Category: Defence
- Category : Defence
Melanie Huata-Lucas - who last year became the first representative of the Royal New Zealand Navy to have a moko kauae - says she hopes to encourage other wahine Māori sailors to be confident in their identity.
The 32-year-old received her moko kauae after 13 years of service with the Navy as a sailor and events co-ordinator. She is now transitioning into a new role as marae events and protocol manager for the Navy.
- Hits: 540
Read more: Māori woman first Royal NZ Navy representative to have moko kauae
- Article: https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/maori-woman-first-royal-nz-navy-representative-to-have-moko-kauae/GWVDKGBJZNMTBGBDCEFISX7KZY/
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For planetary scientists, it was the boldest claim in a generation: an unseen extra planet, as much as 10 times the mass of Earth, lurking on the Solar System’s frontier, beyond Neptune. But the claim looks increasingly shaky, after a team of astronomers reported last week that the orbits of a handful of distant lumps of rock are not bunched together by the gravity of Planet Nine, as its proponents believe, but only seem clustered because that’s where telescopes happened to be looking.
- Hits: 565
Read more: Claim for giant ‘Planet Nine’ at Solar System’s edge takes a hit
- Article: https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2021/02/claim-giant-planet-nine-solar-systems-edge-takes-hit
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