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- Category: News
Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei built a data centre in Papua New Guinea, which exposed secret government files to being stolen, according to a report that catalogues Beijing's efforts to spy on the Pacific nation.
- Hits: 728
Read more: Huawei data centre built to spy on PNG
- Article: https://www.afr.com/companies/telecommunications/huawei-data-centre-built-to-spy-on-png-20200810-p55k7w
- Note from Nighthawk.NZ:
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- Category: News
Currently, the NZDF across all three services are getting new equipment and upgrades. Some of this has already taken place, and some are already on order. Others we know what is what wanted just not the final design and or type.
- Hits: 1743
Read more: Future New Zealand Defence Force Equipment.
- Article: http://www.nighthawk.nz
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- Note from Nighthawk.NZ:
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- Category: News
Kiwi scientists have identified the "family" of COVID-19 outbreak - and it is called B.1.1.1.
Newshub has learned the genome sequence of the original four cases has been identified meaning its lineage has been tracked.
- Hits: 729
Read more: It's B.1.1.1: Kiwi scientists identify virus family of mystery COVID-19 outbreak
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- Category: News
The fact that New Zealand is planning to replace its 13 largest military aircraft between 2020 and 2025 is a big deal. One project team is studying the future capabilities required to replace two Boeing 757 combi aircraft, which provide strategic airlift, and five upgraded C-130H Hercules aircraft, which supply both strategic and tactical airlift. A separate project is looking at replacing the upgraded P-3K2 Orion maritime patrol and anti-submarine warfare aircraft. Manned aircraft are favoured; apparently no consideration is being given to acquiring large, remotely piloted aircraft like the MQ-4C Triton, although smaller UAVs for coastal patrols are probably on the table.
- Hits: 1033
Read more: Up in the air: potential synergies with the Kiwis
- Article: https://www.aspistrategist.org.au/air-potential-synergies-kiwis/
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- Note from Nighthawk.NZ:
Older article...
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- Parent Category: News
- Category: Defence
While it may look the same to some, the C-130J-30 is a very different aircraft to the C-130H. The most obvious differences are the six bladed composite prop and an increase of 4.5 metres in the cargo compartment length (two additional pallet stations), but looking further there are a lot of other changes and new technology that makes this a very different aircraft.
- Hits: 981
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- Category: News
There have been inaccurate posts circulating on social media about our future support to the All of Government response to COVID-19.
- Hits: 624
Read more: For the record — NZDF’s support to All of Government response to COVID-19
- Article: https://medium.com/@nzdefenceforce/for-the-record-nzdfs-support-to-all-of-government-response-to-covid-19-d1920f28b20c
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- Note from Nighthawk.NZ:
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- Category: News
Two retired army officers are urging General Mark Milley – the highest-ranking military officer in the US – to remove President Donald Trump from office if he refuses to leave when his term ends.
- Hits: 548
Read more: General Milley urged to remove Trump ‘by force’ if he refuses to leave office
- Article: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cuENRPW6Fic
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- Note from Nighthawk.NZ:
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- Category: News
The idea that the United Kingdom should try and rebuild closer ties with Canada, Australia and New Zealand raises its head from time to time. Obviously we’re close friends, with ties of history, language and culture, and there’s nothing wrong with reinforcing old friendships. But thanks to Brexit, we’re hearing a bit more about this kind of thing than usual — with a focus on some kind of economic and geopolitical partnership.
- Hits: 458
Read more: Sentiments and statistics: why CANZUK won’t fly
- Article: https://medium.com/@dijdowell/sentiments-and-statistics-why-canzuk-wont-fly-7bd0cef28ff
- Note from Nighthawk.NZ:
There is nothing saying that a CANZUK country can not keep these trading partners as well as trading with CANZUK block. But you can also increase within the CANZUK trading block. Add in the freedom of movement and possible and the possible a defense pac.
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