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Taika Waititi's anti-hate satire Jojo Rabbit has split the Toronto Film Festival fair and square down the middle. It's been touted as Oscars bait by some and dismissed as "misguided" by others.
- Hits: 1350
Read more: 'Lure the audience in' - How Taika Waititi 'tricked' audiences at Jojo Rabbit premiere
- Article: https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/entertainment/2019/09/lure-the-audience-in-how-taika-waititi-tricked-audiences-at-jojo-rabbit-premiere.html
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When Claudia Taylor told her British workmates she would "shout morning tea" on her birthday, they literally expected her to start hollering.
"People were like "what the...?" Why would you shout morning tea? I think they thought I was going to sit there... demanding someone bring me a cuppa tea."
- Hits: 1107
Read more: Is Kiwi humour really 'totally weird'?
- Article: https://www.stuff.co.nz/travel/kiwi-traveller/115679899/is-kiwi-humour-really-totally-weird
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A group of 50 attorneys general from 48 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico unveiled a major antitrust investigation of Google Monday, sharply escalating the regulatory scrutiny facing the tech giant.
- Hits: 919
Read more: US states launch antitrust investigation into Google
- Article: https://www.newstalkzb.co.nz/news/business/us-states-launch-antitrust-investigation-into-google/
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The Prime Minister is too focused on Twitter and Facebook and not on the issues that matter to everyday New Zealanders, National leader Simon Bridges says.
- Hits: 1256
Read more: Bridges slams Christchurch Call, says PM too focused on Twitter
- Article: https://www.newstalkzb.co.nz/news/politics/simon-bridges-slams-christchurch-call-says-pm-too-focused-on-twitter/
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"We had no idea if he was going to make it through or not," his father said, who didn't know about his son's vaping habit
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Read more: 17-Year-Old Boy's Lungs Completely Blocked from Vaping, Doctors Say
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A man has been barred from the South Island after allegedly stealing $51,000 worth of biking equipment.
- Hits: 1160
Read more: Man barred from South Island after bike theft charge
- Article: https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/crime/115666588/man-barred-from-south-island-after-bike-theft-charge
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It's easier and quicker to build a house than it is to get building consent, some builders say.
- Hits: 1214
Read more: Councils costing people thousands in building consent delays
- Article: https://www.stuff.co.nz/business/115553946/councils-costing-people-thousands-in-building-consent-delays
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- Note from Nighthawk.NZ:
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Provisional figures from the coroner show that more than 70 people have died from synthetic cannabis toxicity in the past two years.
- Hits: 1169
Read more: More than 70 deaths blamed on synthetic cannabis in two years
- Article: https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/398453/synthetic-cannabis-more-than-70-deaths-in-two-years-blamed-on-the-drug
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