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An Isis fighter was killed by his own drone bomb when the hapless jihadi forgot to charge the device's batteries - sending it straight back to him when its power ran low.
His death came during the Battle for Mosul and has been revealed after a security source came forward to share the story.
- Hits: 1323
Read more: Jihadi killed when his drone bomb ran low on battery and flew back
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OPINION: Jacinda Ardern can hardly claim free (taxpayer-funded) school lunches are her idea. But who cares, right?
For a prime minister that desperately needs some wins, and for one that promised to fight, if not end, child poverty, a free hot meal a day goes a long way towards that goal.
- Hits: 1062
Read more: Eat that - there is such a thing as a free lunch after all
- Article: https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/education/115427917/eat-that--there-is-such-a-thing-as-a-free-lunch-after-all
- Note from Nighthawk.NZ:
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A number of residents have reportedly been targeted by a pair pretending to be biosecurity officers, spraying for fruit flies.
Biosecurity New Zealand said it was aware of a report made by north Auckland residents that a man and a woman had visited their homes with a spray bottle.
- Hits: 1018
Read more: Warning over 'fake' biosecurity officers entering properties on Auckland's North Shore
- Article: https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/crime/115422391/warning-over-fake-biosecurity-officers-entering-properties-on-aucklands-north-shore
- Note from Nighthawk.NZ:
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- Category: Defence
The US state department has approved a possible sale of 31 MK 54 lightweight torpedoes to the Republic of Korea.
The Republic of Korea Navy is acquiring the torpedoes for its new Poseidon P-8A submarine hunter aircraft.
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Read more: US clears sale of MK 54 torpedoes for South Korean P-8As
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Handcuffs, handheld radios and a police-style tactical belt were among several items found inside the home of a man claiming to be an "authorised officer".
An Auckland man was driving home about 11.50pm on January 24 when he was followed into a parking building by a man driving a BMW motorcycle with flashing lights.
- Hits: 1023
Read more: Police impersonator Shannen Cox faces up to 12 months in prison
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- Category: Defence
HMNZS Aoratea in South Korea getting fitted out
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- Article: https://www.reddit.com/r/WarshipPorn/comments/cv4mbv/royal_new_zealand_navy_replenishment_ship_hmnzs/ey22pkk/
- Note from Nighthawk.NZ:
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- Category: Defence
Work to accommodate the arrival of four new P-8A Poseidon aircraft will soon start at Manawatū air force base Ōhakea.
The Government has bought four new P-8 Poseidons, which cost $2.3 billion and will be in action by 2023, to be based at Ōhakea. The planes, which haven't been built yet, will replace the air force's aging P-3 Orions.
- Hits: 1557
Read more: Preparations to house Poseidons start soon at Ōhakea
- Article: https://www.stuff.co.nz/manawatu-standard/news/115285843/preparations-to-house-poseidons-start-soon-at-hakea
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- Note from Nighthawk.NZ:
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As e-scooters have exploded in popularity in New Zealand, more scrutiny is being applied to their potential risks and public health costs. Now, for the first time, the costs of serious e-scooter injuries has been calculated by New Zealand researchers, who have found that they carry some unique dangers.
Surgeons in Auckland are operating on more e-scooter users than on motorbike riders, and the public health costs are beginning to mount.
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