Emergency services are at the scene of a crash involving five motorcyclists on Northland. The accident occurred on State Highway 1, just north of Turntable Hill, Moerewa, about 3.10pm today.

Article: https://www.nzherald.co.nz/northern-advocate/news/article.cfm?c_id=1503450&objectid=12269548&fbclid=IwAR1hhnR1ntP3m1O_lKnsaL8uE4pxLIlk719Nr_6Ue-bK5ZXzjxcyD6c6mD8
Note from Nighthawk.NZ:

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Beer best for pain... lol ok... let's do this

Article: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1484228254958340
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Anti-lock braking systems, or ABS, will be mandatory for all motorbikes from April next year, the New Zealand Transport Agency announced today.

Article: https://tvnz-news.imgix.net/api/v1/web/image/content/dam/images/news/2019/01/07/iStock-172134734.jpg.-1246068488.png?fm=webp&w=784&h=441&fit=crop
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Author: Mark Longley

People who have sex outside of marriage in popular tourist spot Bali could face up to a year in prison if proposed new laws pass. 

Article: https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/travel/2019/09/bali-to-ban-sex-outside-of-marriage.html
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Author: Susan Edmunds

Got $55,000?

In Auckland, it might not be enough to serve even as the deposit for your first home.

Article: https://www.stuff.co.nz/business/115908263/here-are-new-zealands-cheapest-houses
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Author: Luke Malpass

When Jacinda Ardern hits New York for the United Nations General Assembly over the weekend it will be the beginning of a hard test of her international leadership credentials.

Article: https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/politics/115877600/prime-minister-jacinda-arderns-un-leadership-challenge
Note from Nighthawk.NZ:

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Author: Anna Bracewell-Worrall

A group of young people will challenge the Government in the High Court, arguing that 16 and 17 year olds should have the right to vote.

Article: https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/politics/2019/09/group-of-young-people-push-government-to-drop-voting-age-to-16.html?fbclid=IwAR2Nus0WktsCU-mnsm7ysO3gYdh3-1gGY_kxBbiYYIUtZ7a_A5lpHOY0ohg
Note from Nighthawk.NZ:

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Author: Scottie Andrew

The US Navy has finally acknowledged footage purported to show UFOs hurtling through the air. And while officials said they don't know what the objects are, they're not indulging any hints either.

Article: https://www.newstalkzb.co.nz/news/world/us-navy-confirms-those-ufo-videos-are-the-real-deal/?fbclid=IwAR0hc4f6NmCLHCfvUPClGs5vir_fe175JMZ9zLcULKX05jcB19GhY9jbvc4
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