Category : News
Author: Marcus Hellyer

The sad saga of the MRH-90 Taipan helicopter has been running for a long time. Back when I worked in the Department of Defence, we used to occupy ourselves from time to time calculating how much money the taxpayer would save in the long run if we just walked away from the MRH-90 utility helicopter and bought Black Hawk helicopters instead. The answer was a lot. And the sooner you did it, the more you’d save, by avoiding sinking more acquisition dollars into the MRH-90 and realising the substantially lower operating costs of the Black Hawk. But even though those numbers were shared with Defence’s senior decision-makers, the department couldn’t bring itself to take that step.

Note from Nighthawk.NZ:

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Category : News
Author: Sam Sherwood

A man was vaccinated against Covid-19 up to 10 times in one day on behalf of other people, prompting an investigation by the Ministry of Health.

It is believed the man, who is understood to have visited several vaccination centres, was paid for the jabs.

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Category : News
Author: Reuters

Actor Jussie Smollett, one-time star of the TV drama Empire, was found guilty on Thursday of staging a hate crime against himself in what prosecutors said was a bid to gain sympathy and boost his career.

Prosecutors said Smollett, who is Black and gay, lied to police when he told them that he was accosted on a dark Chicago street by two masked strangers in January 2019.

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Category : Defence
Author: Geoffrey Miller

Analysis - Ambiguity and contradiction over China have been hallmarks of New Zealand's foreign policy throughout 2021.

In this respect, the government's hawkish new defence assessment, coupled with conflicting comments by ministers about New Zealand's view on a diplomatic boycott of the upcoming Winter Olympics in Beijing, was a fitting end to the year.

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Category : News
Author: Tom Selman

It's morning in Honiara, but it's already getting up past 30 degrees.

It's muggy too, but the soldiers on Wednesday's patrol drag on body armour, clip on their helmets and pick up their rifles.

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Category : News
Author: Jenna Lynch

Bar owners are fuming after learning the Government was advised not to require vaccine passes for hospitality

It's not the only advice Cabinet ignored - Director-General of Health Dr Ashley Bloomfield wanted to wait until 5-11-year-olds were vaccinated to switch over to the traffic light system.

Note from Nighthawk.NZ:

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Category : Defence
Author: George Block

More than 300 military personnel who served in managed isolation and quarantine (MIQ) facilities have quit the armed forces.

New figures also reveal the Defence Force is on track to lose more than 1000 regular force or reserve personnel in 2021.

Note from Nighthawk.NZ:

Well I have been saying thigs for a while... when they bought the armed forces in to manage MIQ, I said, "ok, but if it drags on troops will leave the NZDF, as that is not what they signed up for. They are not gloried guards."

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Category : News
Author: TVNZ

China has warned countries to “stop politicising sports” after New Zealand Trade Minister Damien O’Connor’s comments on diplomatic boycotts of the Winter Olympics in Beijing were put to China’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson on Thursday.

Note from Nighthawk.NZ:

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