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Tenants who moved into a brand-new rental unit have trashed the property, stabbing hundreds of holes in the walls and floor and tearing off doors.
Landlord Anthony Dacre said the damage was discovered when the tenants, a young family, were evicted from the home in St Albans, Christchurch.
He found hundreds of stab and punch holes in the walls, doors ripped off their hinges and other door panels broken, holes in the floor vinyl, writing on the walls, broken glass, the oven door pulled apart, and even foot marks on the ceiling.
- Hits: 1376
Read more: Brand-new Christchurch home suffers more than $10k damage from tenants
- Article: https://www.stuff.co.nz/business/115429355/brandnew-christchurch-home-suffers-more-than-10k-damage-from-tenants
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An Australian vegan has taken her neighbours all the way to the Supreme Court, demanding they stop smoking, bouncing balls and even cooking barbecues in the backyard.
Cilla Carden from Perth, said she is fed up with the smell of meat cooking on the barbecue next door.
- Hits: 1285
Read more: Australian vegan takes her neighbours to court over BBQ smell
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Steven Tyler, the frontman of the rock back Aerosmith, sent President Donald Trump a cease and desist letter on Wednesday, demanding that the president stop playing the band's music at his rallies, Tyler's attorney Dina LaPlot confirmed to ABC News.
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Read more: Steven Tyler threatens Trump with legal action for playing Aerosmith music at rallies
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Former Prime Minister Helen Clark says the current system of keeping cannabis illegal is a waste of time and resources.
- Hits: 1222
Read more: Keeping cannabis illegal a waste of police time - Helen Clark
- Article: https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/politics/2019/09/keeping-cannabis-illegal-a-waste-of-police-time-helen-clark.html
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A climate change advocate was arrested for painting an example of projected rising sea levels on an MP's office window.
Police confirmed Rowan Manley Campbell was arrested for disorder and received a pre-charge warning, after spraying a pink line across Coromandel MP Scott Simpson's office window in Thames on Tuesday morning.
- Hits: 1186
Read more: Extinction Rebellion protester arrested for spray-painting MP's Thames office
- Article: https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/politics/115496729/extinction-rebellion-protester-arrested-for-spraypainting-mps-thames-office
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There is nothing that makes you more aware of the fragility of existence than seeing your own baby's life drain away in front of your eyes.
Dr Michelle Conning will never forget that feeling. Of seeing tubes coming out of her 14-month-old as he lay in Auckland's Starship hospital, struck down with an illness that could have been eradicated years ago.
"I thought he was going to die," the Titirangi GP says now. "That was the worst week of my life, and if I wasn't convinced then, I was after that."
- Hits: 1275
Read more: In an affluent corner of Auckland, a GP struggles against vaccination disinformation
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Aucklanders can expect another wet day after wild weather caused chaos overnight.
MetService said thunderstorms were possible and northeasterlies would be strong in exposed places.
There would also be showers in the morning which could turn into heavy falls from the afternoon, it said.
- Hits: 1306
Read more: Wild weather hits Auckland with trees and powerlines down
- Article: https://www.stuff.co.nz/auckland/115511553/wild-weather-hits-auckland--trees-down-flooding-on-the-motorway
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Māori suicide prevention workers say they are undervalued and underfunded and they are pleading for more support as Māori suicide rates reach record highs.
New figures show 685 people in Aotearoa died by suicide in the year to June, also marking the highest number of Māori suicide deaths ever at 169.
In Whanganui, a father of five took his life at the weekend, and another dad died by suicide the week before.
- Hits: 1393
Read more: Adults warned on suicides: Support children or ‘see them leave before you’
- Article: https://www.newsie.co.nz/news/160685-adults-warned-on-suicides-support-children-or-lsquosee-them-leave-before-yoursquo.html
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