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Minister of Justice Andrew Little had a fiery debate on Magic Talk on Wednesday about New Zealand's 'right to silence' laws.
Sean Plunket invited the minister onto his show after Little spoke to Ryan Bridge on Tuesday, where the pair had an on-air clash about the same subject.
- Hits: 964
Read more: Andrew Little has fiery debate with Sean Plunket over 'right to silence' laws
- Article: https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/politics/2020/02/andrew-little-has-fiery-debate-with-sean-plunket-over-right-to-silence-laws.html
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- Note from Nighthawk.NZ:
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- Category: Defence
So how could a naval task group with coalition frigates paired with a LHD perform a number of useful roles beyond warfighting or HADR, including support for operations? How could the LHD enhance those operations?
- Hits: 1397
Read more: Other LHD operations
- Article: http://nighthawk.nz
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- Note from Nighthawk.NZ:
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A lawyer fears forcing families in child abuse cases to speak up could put innocent people behind bars.
Both ACT and the Children's Commissioner want to rethink the right to silence law after a child was critically hurt in Flaxmere.
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- Category: News
China's ambassador to New Zealand has heaped pressure on the government to open its borders in the wake of the novel coronavirus, stating she would protect "the interests" of Chinese students.
In a press conference in Wellington on Tuesday, ambassador Wu Xi downplayed the risk of the novel coronavirus outbreak in China, which she described as "generally under control" thanks to the "miracle" mobilisation of the Chinese state.
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- Article: https://www.stuff.co.nz/travel/news/119575877/chinese-ambassador-hits-out-at-new-zealand-travel-ban-in-response-to-novel-coronavirus-outbreak
- Note from Nighthawk.NZ:
Fuck off, if I have my way the restrictions would be for at least another month or two... and if virus outbreak happened here in New Zealand your Communist Party would have had instant travel bans and done even more... Stop trying to interfere with how we run our country... the safety of our people comes first before you pathetic excuses.
So fuck off with your Communist BS.
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- Category: Defence
In 2010, Rod Lyon of the Australian Strategic Policy Institute wrote: “With the return of the more strategically-extroverted Kiwi, it is a good time for Australia and New Zealand to be putting more meat on the bones of their Closer Defence Relationship.” 1 Various areas of the “closer defence relations” between Australia and New Zealand are ripe for cooperative enhancement, but one of the most obvious is amphibious operations. Both nations have recognized that their amphibious forces provide a means to further jointness among national service branches, but the current international interest in amphibiosity means they are also a tool for effective engagement and for enhancing interoperability.
- Hits: 1366
Read more: Coming Full Circle - The Renaissance of Anzac Amphibiosity
- Article: https://digital-commons.usnwc.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1017&context=nwc-review
- Note from Nighthawk.NZ:
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- Parent Category: News
- Category: Defence
Kiwis are renowned for being flightless, but they may soon be equally well known for their agility in the water, based on the plethora of documents released by the New Zealand government on both the composition and tasks expected of the New Zealand Defence Force.
- Hits: 1102
Read more: The New Zealand Defence Force’s expanding amphibious capability
- Article: https://www.aspistrategist.org.au/the-new-zealand-defence-forces-expanding-amphibious-capability/
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- Note from Nighthawk.NZ:
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- Category: Defence
A young sailor was caught dealing drugs at Devonport Naval Base after test cheating accusations attracted Military Police attention.
Drug-related text chatter dug up in a cellphone search led to Ordinary Weapon Technician Cadell Heney and a comrade being hauled before the Court Martial of New Zealand.
- Hits: 850
Read more: Sailors drug dealing at Devonport Naval Base uncovered by test cheating inquiry
- Article: https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/crime/119567255/sailors-drug-dealing-at-devonport-naval-base-uncovered-by-test-cheating-inquiry
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- Note from Nighthawk.NZ:
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- Category: News
A leading economist says that applying New Zealand's top tax rate to earnings over $70,000 means that middle-class Kiwis are hurting and the income threshold should be increased.
Speaking to The AM Show on Monday, Cameron Bagrie of Bagrie Economics said that taking $0.33c in the dollar from income over $70,000 is "just ridiculous."
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