Category : Defence
Author: Kim Baker

Defence Force staff serving overseas have a lot on their minds at the best of times.

But for those set to spend Christmas posted in another country thoughts are turning to friends, family and simple pleasures they can't have.

Note from Nighthawk.NZ:

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Category : News
Author: Alice Wilkins

Epidemiologist Professor Michael Baker wants New Zealand's border to stay shut in a bid to keep the COVID-19 variant Omicron out.

It comes as five new cases of the variant were found in MIQ on Sunday, taking Aotearoa's total to 13. No Omicron cases have been reported in the community.

Note from Nighthawk.NZ:

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Category : News
Author: RNZ

People with no choice but to use public transport say they are fearful of getting on board and are being held hostage by those who have chosen not to be vaccinated against COVID-19.

Under the Government's COVID-19 Protection Framework, also known as the traffic light system, public transport including buses, trains and taxis are prohibited from asking customers for a vaccine pass, as they are considered "essential or life-preserving services".

Note from Nighthawk.NZ:

I personally can relate to this. While I don't use public transport, the thought of being around some unvaccinated gives me some anxiety as I am in that higher risk group if I get Covid-19...

Every decision you make has consequences whether good or bad... and being unvaccinated is one of those decision you made that has consequences ... ie; I don't want you around me due to I don't feel safe. As there is more of a chance you can give me the covid...


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Category : News
Author: Dan Satherley

Pendants and bracelets sold as protection against 5G radio waves are radioactive, officials in Europe have warned.

'Quantum pendants' and 'negative ion' jewellery meant to protect wearers against the alleged harmful effects of cellphone signals have been recalled by the Netherlands' Authority for Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection (ANVS).

Note from Nighthawk.NZ:

 I must say this is hilarious... yell

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Category : Opinion
Author: The Economist

OPINION: In chess, the endgame begins when most pieces have been taken off the board. With just a handful left, options narrow and moves become more decisive.

So it is with smoking. Public-health types use the phrase “tobacco endgame” to mean a happy situation where the proportion of people who smoke has fallen below 5 per cent.

Note from Nighthawk.NZ:

Smoking is a disgusting habbit yes I agree, and I use to smoke but gave up back in 1996, I I will not stop anyone having that freedom to do so if they so choose. At the age of 18 you can legally vote, you can legally have sex, have a baby, legally get married, you can go off and fight or defend this country if need be... So you have our damn cig so you have those freedoms... I did not serve in the Royal New Zealand Navy to have those freedoms taken away.

What are these freedoms I am talking about;

  • Freedom to practice any religion without being prosecuted.
  • The freedom to align to any sexual orientation you wish.
  • The freedom for you to choose what you do with your body and your life.

No one has the right to say you can not do something if that activity does no harm to others or do they have the right to say what you can and can not do to your body. So if you want a disgusting cigarette who am I to stop you and who are they to stop you. Freedom of Choice.


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Category : News
Author: Kristin Hall

The Ministry of Health has put out an urgent letter asking health providers to do a better job of warning people about possible serious side effects of the Covid-19 Pfizer vaccine.

Note from Nighthawk.NZ:

This will bring the anti vaxxers out ... LOL.  There are side effect to every vaccine out there, and yes some could die. but you have do the math. Of the billions of vaccines that have been issued there have only been a handful of reports of side effect related deaths... More people die from crossing the street.

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Category : News
Author: Dan Satherley

Experts fear with the UK suffering "two epidemics on top of each other", there's an increased likelihood Omicron and Delta could swap genes, making them potentially even more dangerous.

The UK is experiencing its biggest wave of the pandemic yet. While the number of Brits infected with the Delta variant of the SARS-CoV-2 virus is stable, the highly infectious Omicron variant is spreading rapidly. Data suggests it's already dominant in London, and could see hundreds of thousands testing positive a day as soon as Christmas. 

Note from Nighthawk.NZ:

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Category : News
Author: Matt Burrows

A young child who died with COVID-19 in New Zealand this week was not a known case prior to their death, the Ministry of Health says.

The ministry's case demographic website was updated on Friday afternoon to show a single death in the 0 to 9 age bracket. The website listed the child as a Māori boy registered with Counties Manukau DHB.

Note from Nighthawk.NZ:

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