Category: Web Utilities
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Various Web Utilities, FTP, HTML Editors, CMS

Downloads: 13

Text Editor Pro (formerly EditBone) is a code and text editor that offers syntax highlighting for more than 50 scripting languages. In addition to standard editing features, it offers page bookmarks, line/word/character count, line sorting, search & replace and browser preview.

Powerful text editing tool with syntax highlighting support for programming languages and scripts, multi-caret and synchronized editing, code/text folding, over 300 options for customizing, over 100 ready made skins, character map, numerical unit convert tool, text compare, JSON/SQL/XML formatter, and support for multiple directories (also SFTP) and search results.  

The program can also be used to compare the content of two files. You can view the differences in a side-by-side view and copy changes from one file to the other. Text Editor Pro also includes a macro recorder that enables you to record frequently typed text to quickly insert it later.

Created 2021-12-10
Downloads 291
Operating System :
(0 votes)

RocketCake is a free website builder software for creating responsive websites. For beginners and professional web developers. No coding required.

RocketCake is a WYSIWYG HTML editor that allows you to create a responsive, template based website without the need for any coding. Simple choose your template style and customize it or create a new design from scratch.

In addition to to your text content, you can add images, galleries, slideshows, YouTube videos, Flash, buttons, HTML5 audio/video, tables and many other advanced page elements. None of this requires any HTML or CSS knowledge, you can simply drag page elements into place and freely arrange them in the real-time page preview.

Your finished website can be published locally to your hard drive or uploaded directly to a FTP server of your choice.

Other features include support for web forms, PHP Code, Java Applets, navigation menus, floating elements, and more.

A Pro version is available (for purchase) that offers Custom CSS, HTML, JavaScript, PHP code, user-defined breakpoint code and premium support.

Created 2021-12-09
Size 9.63 MB
System See description
Downloads 640
Operating System :
(0 votes)

TightVNC is a free remote control software package. With TightVNC, you can see the desktop of a remote machine and control it with your local mouse and keyboard, just like you would do it sitting in the front of that computer.

What Windows versions does TightVNC support?

TightVNC runs basically on any version of Windows (both 32-bit and 64-bit systems are supported):

  • Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10,
  • corresponding versions of Windows Server.

On Windows XP, you should have the latest Service Pack installed. Windows CE systems are not supported.

There are no minimum disk space or RAM requirements. TightVNC uses so little space and memory that it can run anywhere Windows is running.

Previous TightVNC version 1.2 and 1.3 have some limitations, however. It is not possible to use TightVNC Server as a system service on Windows Vista / Windows 7 in this case.

Created 2021-12-08
Version 2.8.63
Size 14.46 KB
System See description
Downloads 153
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FDM accelerates downloads by splitting files into sections and then downloading them simultaneously.

In addition, Free Download Manager allows you to adjust traffic usage, organize downloads, control file priorities for torrents, efficiently download large files and resume broken downloads.

FDM can boost all your downloads up to 10 times, process media files of various popular formats, drag&drop URLs right from a web browser as well as simultaneously download multiple files!

  • Fast, safe and efficient downloading
  • Video downloading from popular websites
  • Proxy support
  • HTTP/HTTPS/FTP/BitTorrent support
  • User-friendly interface with modern design
  • Support for Windows and macOS

(With version 5.0 and newer the source code is not available and the GNU General Public License agreement has been removed from the app.)

Created 2021-12-08
Version 5.1
System MS Windows
Downloads 160
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JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler enables you to decompile and edit the content of SWF Flash files, including .swf, .gfx and .swc. You can view and extract resources (shapes, sprites, fonts, buttons...), convert SWF to FLA, edit ActionScript and replace images, sounds, texts or fonts.

Other features include text search and replace, searching for SWF files in browser cache and application memory, ActionScript 1/2 and AS3 support, hex dump view with color highlighting, editing via assembler source, and more.JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler is completely free and Open Source, no feature limitations, no "Pro" versions or other upgrade solicitations.

Created 2021-11-26
Changed 2021-11-26
Size 9.94 MB
Downloads 496
Operating System :