Category: Desktop Publishing
officeDesktop Publishing
Subcategories: 0
Files: 1

Desktop publishing often requires the use of a personal computer and WYSIWYG page layout software to create documents for either large-scale publishing or small-scale local multifunction peripheral output and distribution – although a non-WYSIWYG system such as LaTeX could also be used for the creation of highly structured and technically demanding documents as well.

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Scribus, a page layout or desktop publishing program for Linux, FreeBSD, PC-BSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, Solaris, OpenIndiana, Debian GNU/Hurd, Mac OS X, OS/2 Warp 4, eComStation, Haiku and Windows.


Created 2021-11-14
Changed 2021-11-16
Version 1.4.8
Size 74 MB
System See description
Downloads 240
Operating System :