Category: Cafescapade
Category : Opinion
Author: Nighthawk

It is Friday and we are on annual leave so that means we can go to a couple of cafes that are only open on the week days.

Name: Bean on Water
Address: 5 Water Street, Central Dunedin, Dunedin 9016

So on that note we decide "Bean on Water" cafe in town. Finding a park in town was interesting but managed to get one not to far from the cafe.

Nighthawk at Bean on Water

We wandered in and there were already a couple of people there, and a couple coming and going with there take away orders which is always good to see.

So Xaria ordered a Pumpkin Savory Scone and eventually decided to have a savory pin wheel and a cheese roll due to the fact I am poor a deciding what I wanted to eat at the time so I said both


Our coffees came first and quickly followed by the savory scone and pin wheel. The cheese roll wasn't too much longer after... over pretty quick service but the not overly busy at the time.

Scone, Pin Wheel and coffee's waiting on my Cheese roll

Xaria enjoyed your pumpkin savory scone and said it was quiet tasty, my pinwheel had the gooey goodness in the centre as did the cheese roll. Both our coffees were fine, not to strong for Xaria... not to weak for me... ;-)

The service was pretty friendly as I joked with the waitress about me making my mind up and eventually getting both etc, They had a pretty good selection in the cabinet for savory and sweet slices etc, and overall the price of $27.00 wasn't to bad.  Did Bean on Water have that Cafe feel about it I would say yes we both enjoyed our visit and would meet up with our friends there for a coffee and chin wag.


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