Category: Cafescapade
Category : Opinion
Author: Nighthawk

Saturday, Tasse Cafe... meeting with friends. That simple sentence answers many questions, where did we go and would we meet up with friends there for a good chin wag? Apparently so.

Name: Tasse Cafe
Address: 45 Mailer Street, Mornington, Dunedin 9011

We got a park basically right out the front of the cafe in the Countdown car park, much walk was not needed on this day. I don't think I had been here before but Xaria has in the past where she was not happy with a milkshake she got, but to be fair this was years ago and things change.

We arrived and there was a couple of people already there and we explained just waiting for our friends Ken and Lianne to arrive which was only about a minute or so and we were ready to order.

Scone at Tasse Cafe

Today was a little different both Xaria and I ordered the eggs benedict croissant as well as two scones and two extra large coffee's. This came to a grand total of $49.44. Ken order their equivalent of an all day breakfast and coffee while Lianne had a bacon butty and coffee. (which I forgot to ask how much that cost).


Our scones arrived first and not to far behind was our coffee's. There was a bit of a wait for the eggs benedict croissant but nothing drastic enough to eat 1/2 my scone. There was a bit of a wait for Kens All Day Breakfast but again nothing too drastic to complain and ask hey did you forget. Xaria did notice a chipped plate and really this shouldn't have been used especially in today's day and age with health and safety BS, but it also looks bad.

Eggs benedict croissant

Both Ken and I said the coffee's were a tad weak, however, we should have said a extra shot due to they were and extra large cup and this does make a difference with how strong you coffee ends up being, Ken also said he personally prefer the hash browns to be a little bit more crispier than they were but as I commented that becomes difficult as every one is different and Ken just agreed... he would have been still ordering as they asked all the questions like, how do you like your eggs, how do you like your bacon, how do you like the hash browns done, what about your sausages, ... and my answer would be I am dying of starvation here just feed me. But overall he seemed to enjoy it.

Lianne seemed to enjoy her scone and bacon butty as both Xaira and I enjoyed our scones and eggs croissants. So all was good.

Tasse has that cafe atmosphere, especiall as The place started ti fill up as we were thinking of leaving, and I commented to Xaria if we weren't meeting up with Ken and Lianne we would be sitting at the couch looking out the window watch the world go by saying something like, "Are you enjoying your coffee? How is your weekend going so far?" and followed up by after we finished eating and drinking... "well does it feel like a cafe" to which we would answer "yes".

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