Category: Cafescapade
Category : Opinion
Author: Xaria

Muffin Break Second café on one trip into town. Partially so I didn’t have to find parking again in a hurry.

Name: Muffin Break 
Address: 267-287 George Street, Meridian, Dunedin 9016

Obviously not a very café sort of feeling as it is in the food court at the mall but was still a nice experience.

The sausage rolls which were mass produced but not bad for all that served warmed with tomato sauce in the squirty sachets which I managed to not squirt on myself for a nice change.


Coffee was some of the most expensive I have seen around Dunedin but was a nice drink for all that. Something like $22.00 for the two coffees and sausage rolls. Possibly a muffin would have been a better option for a food choice if only because it would have been made fresh on site that day.

Whilst it wouldn’t be the top of my list for meeting up with friends, if I was in town shopping it would certainly be a valid choice. I know of several groups of friends that do go there on a regular basis.

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