Category: Cafescapade
Category : News
Author: Nighthawk

Today was a visit to the Daily Dose Cafe. We have known about it, but never visited the cafe, we even got you Covid Shots and boosters at the Pharmacy which shares the building. So was about time we did the cafe.

Name: Daily Dose Cafe & Dispensary
Address: 98 Macandrew Road, South Dunedin, Dunedin 9012

Again we went a little earlier than the average person due to we want to miss the queues and crowds, but doing this can take away the cafe atmosphere.

There is limited customer car parking out the front which is good as Dunedin car parking is getting worse.  They had a pretty good selection of cabinet food available and making the decision of cheese roll or a cheese scone was made by the lady serving us as she mentioned the scones were pretty much just out of the oven.


So two coffee's a cheese scone, a cheese roll and $25.20 later we were sitting down enjoying our purchase. Since the scone was just out of the oven it didn't need heating and I was able to take that with me to our table. The Cheese roll was not to far behind and was heated nicely. We notice some places don't quite heat them long enough.

Xaria enjoyed her cheese roll and said it had gooey goodness that a cheese roll should have. I enjoyed my scone, not going to say it and "OMG" scone but it was good. Our coffees weren't to long in waiting, and were pretty good.

Overall it did have that cafe feel to it, however when I asked if it was a place you would go to meet up with your friends we both ummmed and arrrrghed and thought nothing wrong, and if we were both in the area sure, but meeting up with friends as part of the cafe culture there was something missing. Now this is not a bad thing as everything was fine, the food and coffee pretty all round good.

Overall we both enjoyed our visit and would happily visit again.


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