So today, according to our Google Calendar app was another pre-planned café... which so happens to be Kelly's Café at The Warehouse. It is another one I have been putting off as the last time I went there (many moons ago) they served me a milkshake in a glass that was straight out of the dishwasher and still drying in its own heat... so the milkshake was ... well lets say I didn't drink it.
Anyhow today I wasn't ordering a milkshake so that helped me get over it. The other thing is I have to go, and retry these things out and as I said that was many moons ago. But to be perfectly honest I was not expecting much.
We went early as we also want to do a little bit of shopping. So when we arrived there were hardly anyone there...
We weren't intending or intentionally meeting up with anyone but Xaria saw and knew a couple of ladies that were already there, so we joined them.

We looked at there cabinet food, and they had a selection and decided on a sausage roll and cheese roll. They did ask if we wanted butter on the cheese roll before heating which is a first, normally they heat it and give you a small side of butter to spread on afterwards. However sure put it on first and melt it through was fine for me.
The sausage rolls came first as they were already in the warmer, followed by the coffee's and then cheese rolls. There was nothing fancy about the sausage roll, no side of sauce or relish and the sausage roll was your standard mass produced sausage roll. It's not bad, but wouldn't write home about it.
The cheese roll was better, however Xaria did comment not much flavour in the cheese over all, It was like they use mozzarella cheese which gives the gooey goodness and stretchy cheese but there isn't much flavour on its own. However it was a decent size and again not bad... just not great.
The coffee surprised me and to be fair I enjoyed it, considering it was just a single shot, but it was bordering on a latte but honestly this is nit picking as there isn't much difference between the two.
We asked our standard questions. Does it feel like a café? And what surprised me was Xaria's friends both basically saying "No" it doesn't... We had to agree... I felts more like a tea room or cafetiere... this is not a bad thing. It was not bad, but I wouldn't put it into the café culture as there is a difference between a tearoom, cafetiere, and café. (even though the word café is just a shortened version of the word cafetiere) It is difficult to describe.
The crux of it is a cafetiere has more of the self serve then you pay and take it to your table etc where as I café not so much has be more of menu, the café waitress will semi prepare and heat it and brings it to your table. A café will most like have more in house cooking baking going on than a cafetiere which has more mass produced buy in products (with some house made).
The other thing today was the cost was starting to get up there $31.00 for pretty basic stuff and not even side of relish or sauce etc.
Overall nothing worth complaining about but nothing to write home about either. I mean it was fine and if you are there at "The Warehouse" shopping and wanted a coffee it will meet your requirements. It just doesn't feel like a café or of that warm welcoming feel of some café. It felt sterile.