Category : News
Author: Reuters

French President Emmanuel Macron will send his ambassador back to the United States next week after President Joe Biden agreed that consulting France before announcing a security pact with Australia could have prevented a diplomatic row, the two sides said on Wednesday.

Last week, France recalled its ambassadors from the United States and Australia and accused Biden of stabbing it in the back after Australia ditched a $40-billion defence contract with Paris for the purchase of submarines and opted for US submarines instead.

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Category : Opinion
Author: Stuff News

EDITORIAL: New Zealand needn’t view Aukus as if it’s a treehut the big boys won’t let us into.

The newly formed trilateral co-operation pact involving the United States, United Kingdom and Australia is a major development with unsettling implications.

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Category : News
Author: RNZ

Legislation that will introduce a new offence - planning a terrorist attack - is a step closer to becoming law.

The Counter-Terrorism Legislation Bill passed its second reading in Parliament this afternoon.

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Category : News
Author: Audrey Young, NZ Herald,

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern says the new security pact involving Australia, the United States and Britain would not change New Zealand's security arrangement with the three countries.

New Zealand has been left out of the new tripartite security pact among traditional friends, which is aimed at focusing efforts to respond to China's rapid military expansion in the Asia Pacific.

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Category : News
Author: Marena Mane

Foreign Minister Nanaia Mahuta says the government has no interest in AUKUS, a pact between Australia, the UK and the US seeking to improve their military capabilities.

“That’s not something that New Zealand wants to be a part of. It doesn't exclude us from joining with those particular countries in other areas, as we continue to do for security and intelligence purposes,” said Mahuta.

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Author: Dan Satherley

Winston Peters will "live on as a hero for generations to come" if he fires Iain Lees-Galloway and take control of immigration, says Vision NZ.

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New Zealand First's members have voted for the party to look into giving 100 hours of compulsory community service to all teenagers.

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