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Author: Nighthawk

Is the grass really greener in Australia? Dmitro Mikalshevskiy shared his experience of moving across the ditch to escape the cost of living crisis crushing Kiwis.

Sorry but my partner and I could save more than that a month if we wanted to, heck I can just about do that on my own... we are not on a high wages either (before you ask), however yes you guessed it we don't live in Auckland.  My point yes Auckland is expensive to live compared to the rest of the country so move out of Auckland there are other cities and communities in this country. The price of houses is slowly dropping, and again even cheaper the further south you go.

Is New Zealand expensive. Yes to a degree it is, but the grass is not always greener on the other side of the fence and just moving doesn't always fix things, unless you change some of the spending habbits you have.

There are other ways you can save and limit your spending. You don't need the latest and greatest TV, stereo, appliance, mobile phone etc, cut back on Netflix, DisneyPlus, NeonTV etc, You don't always need to drive to get somewhere saving petrol, cut back on the special treats, and spur of the moment buys.

Home cook more often rather than going out to eat or take aways. When you do your grocery shopping have a list of your needs (not wants) and stick to it and for food buy seasonally.  Certain things buy the budget product sugar, flour, even the pasta etc

You will be surprised how much this can add up and how much you can save alone you can save.

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