Category: News
Author: Nighthawk

Supporting Chinese companies like the world does today, for example, Huawei, and with the reports of spying etc and while many people don't care that it is spying on you, and yes to a degree other phones do to a point, this is not my issue.

My issue and the point is you are supporting a draconian communist authoritarian party that is bullying other countries ignoring international law pushing their agenda on democracy around the world. Come back to me when China becomes a democracy.

Many people then reply with, "sounds exactly like America but add war mongering, sanctions and threatening to that list.

I usually answer, I am not saying the US is perfect and in the past have made some dodgy decisions, however, when did the US imprison people based on their religion or belief and practises. Then probably harvest their body parts? While we can not truly confirm the body parts harvesting the evidence of this is very compelling. And if this turns out to true then what? Would you still support them?

When did the US oppress its people and subject them to harsh and draconian authoritarian treatment and fully suppress freedoms of press, freedom to protest, freedoms access the full internet with no censorship, freedom to practise a religion of choice, freedom to have all the human rights that you and I have and is the right for everyone? These are simple freedoms that you and I take for granted. The average person in China does not know what happened in Tiananmen Square in 1989 ... why not?

When did the US government literally, control every private business as the CCP do, especially if it is a global international business. When did they put a member of the government in the company to report back and report back to the government and force them to make certain decisions to force the Government agenda as what the CCP does?

When did the US claim area international water as theirs, ie; "the 9-dash line", and then start to build man-made islands in an area many other countries have claims and then putting military bases on them and threatening neighbouring countries to stay away from when said country also has a claim.

Their historical claim apparently goes back 1000 years... (which has been proven fabricated) how far back do we want to go with historical claims, when the world is continuously changing. In branding this claim “preposterous,” former White House advisor Stefan Halper notes, “It’s like Mexico claiming the Gulf of Mexico.” 

If Beijing is allowed to enforce the 9 dash line claim, it would effectively transform the South China Sea into a “China lake.”  This would not just transfer to China untold natural resource wealth from countries like Malaysia, the Philippines and Vietnam; it would also effectively run the US navy out of the Asia-Pacific.

Other ways china is infecting the world doing it subtly give money to movie companies but only if the enforce their agenda. An example of this is the DreamWorks’ movie ‘Abominable’ who put the 9-dash line on a map. Over time they hope people will just accept it... Well, it is backfiring. The movie got banned in Vietnam and Malaysia.

Subtle things the CCP do to infect the world and their views from simple things changing the maps and globes and how the world perceives the borders... hoping the world will except it. They simply have China's propaganda where childern in the western countries are learning from these globes and maps.

When did the US constantly have border scuffles with its neighbours in recent times? When did the US claim land from Mexico and or Canada after borders were settled and internationally recognised? China has been doing this with India, and Russia, Mongolia, Pakistan, and just about every country it borders... and been doing it more frequently since the Pandemic.

When has the US used debt trap tactics on smaller nations, and forced their way into the Pacific, and then claim land when they can not repay the loan. China offers to build a wharf in small nations that don't need them and the debt is nearly 20% or more of the island or small nations GDP. This has already happened to a few smaller nations and then China takes control of the harbour and wharf for 99 years example Sri Lanka.

The draconian security law that they now have in Hong Kong, because local Hong Kong people want to keep their freedoms... braking any promise and treaty signed in 1997 of the one country two systems. In response, the 5 eyes countries suspended their extradition orders with Hong Kong and China. China calls it a gross interference ... though I am not sure how and responds with suspends their extradition agreement with New Zealand. Winston Peters said he believes that it has only ever been used maybe once or twice since it was signed.

China claims to follow international rules base order but is clearly not. They regularly fly fighters and other military aircraft into the air space of Japan, Twain and India. Japan reported last year that had to scramble their fighters over 1000 times last year... that is 2 to 3 times a day.

Just look at Bougainville and Fiji and many other pacific nations, for example, Fiji, for example, A Chinese developer's total is regard to local law and customs and stealing land from locals... reported on Sky News Australia and other news agencies... and all international companies from China are under the thumb of the CCP.


They continuously bully local fishermen of Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan, and Vietnam in the South China sea which are international waters.

China's backlash for a call of an investigation of Covid-19, wouldn't you want an investigation of how it started... or are they hiding something and using it a clover for the belligerence behaviour that has increased in the last 6 months.

The great firewall of China. The blocking of Chinese made apps in the west being called unfair and against international rules, yet China regularly blocks Google, Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, and many other western apps and websites to the local population and then. However Chinese propaganda posts and groups pop up on every post made about the CCP. You can not have it both ways, if they can block apps and websites then so can we. While to the average person these apps and website may or may not spy on you but again you are supporting the CCP as every company has to report back to the CCP and hand over any data. While a western company does not have to.

The problem is people including politicians just see money and wooed by it.

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