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A man shot by Police in Hastings yesterday remains in hospital in a stable condition today.

Police can confirm that the man arrived at the school shortly after 2pm yesterday.

He had also been on the school grounds at least two times earlier in the day.

During his third visit to the school, the man threatened a staff member, while a second staff member tried to reason with the man, says Superintendent Tania Kura.

When police arrived at the school, the man fled from officers, heading further into school grounds.

Police officers deployed into the school to prevent the man making his way into any classrooms or areas where pupils and teachers were present.

"When located by officers, the man presented a firearm and was shot once, suffering injuries to his arm and torso.

"Medical assistance was immediately provided by the officers present, and the man was transported by Ambulance to hospital.

The 31-year-old man will be formally charged later today with Arms Act offences.

"Police have now established that the firearm carried by the man was an imitation pistol."

The 31-year-old man will be formally charged later today with Arms Act offences.

"There is no doubt that this incident would have been very frightening for both children and staff at the school, and for pupils’ parents and other members of our community.

"We would like to thank the staff at Flaxmere Primary school for their quick-thinking and decisive action yesterday.

"We will continue to support the school and the community as our investigations continue."

A scene examination was completed at the school last night.

A number of enquiries are under way today, including interviews of witnesses who were at the school at the time of the incident.

"We are aware that there may also be members of the public who witnessed yesterday’s events and have not yet spoken to Police.

"We ask that they get in touch with us via 105."

The officers involved in this incident are also being offered every support.

The Independent Police Conduct Authority has been notified of this incident, and Police will conduct their own investigations as well.

While those investigations are under way, no further comment can be made.


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