Parent Category: Nighthawks Other Hobbies
Category: Steampunk
Author: Brenda Harwood

Dunedin’s vibrant steampunk community will be dressed up in ‘‘full steam’’ and out in force at the Dunedin Gasworks Museum today.

Hosted by the Dunedin Gasworks Guild of Gadgeteers - Steampunk Dunedin, the event will be held from 1pm in the library of the Dunedin Gasworks Museum.

There will be a Steampunk 101 session, offering an introduction to the steampunk ethos and associated crafts, as well as an introduction to the popular sport of teapot racing.

Ready to join the fun are Dunedin Gasworks Guild of Gadgeteers - Steampunk Dunedin members Captain Roscoe Dangerfield (Ross McKay) and Lord Lucerne Thistledown (Richard Moore).

Both have been involved in steampunk - which features Victorian-inspired fashion with a science fiction twist - for several years and enjoy its creativity, learning and sense of fun.

‘‘I used to be quite shy, but being involved in steampunk has given me much more confidence,’’ Dangerfield said.

‘‘Because of steampunk, I have performed in plays, sung in shows and been in photo-shoots for national magazines,’’ he said.

There are 30 to 40 people involved in Dunedin’s two steampunk groups - the Dunedin Gasworks Guild of Gadgeteers - Steampunk Dunedin and The Dunedin Steampunk Society.

The Gasworks Guild of Gadgeteers - Steampunk Dunedin was created 10 years ago to help support the Gasworks Museum.

Guild members enjoy dressing up in‘‘full steam’’ to take part in community events, providing a splash of colour and character.

The 10-year history of the Guild of Gadgeteers will be celebrated during the Decade of Steampunk in Dunedin Festival which will run from April 24 to 26, at the Gasworks Museum.

Steampunk fans from throughout New Zealand are expected to travel to Dunedin for the festival.

And during this year, steampunk will be visible in flash mob events such as steampunk high teas, duelling displays and promotional events.

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