Category: Cafescapade
Category : Opinion
Author: Nighthawk

What cane we say about the Doughbin Bakery & Catering, is it what we would class as a café.

Name: Doughbin Bakery & Catering.
Address: King Edward Street, South Dunedin, Dunedin 9012

To be fair with that question Doughbin Bakery & Catering meets our criteria of being a café, but the all important question does it give you that cafe atmosphere and experience.

As we come near the end of our cafescapade, we have become a little more cultured about the different styles of café's there are, what some call a café.

We found a park right out the front, but to be fair it was the weekend and pretty early just around 9am.  We have been here before, but this was before our official start of our cafescade and so it would be rude to to do it on the official side of it and tick it off the list.

Doughbin Bakery & Catering have a pretty good range of serve-over counter food, from cheese roll's sausage rolls, scones, and sandwiches, and various other sweets and goodies, they also have a menu you can choose from being a bakery as well one would expect this to be the case.

We ordered to cheese scones, as well as out standard coffees. as normal we were asked if we wanted the scones heated... and to be fair who wouldn't want that... so our answer was "yes, thank-you" smile


The seating area has quite a few tables and there were a couple of people there already, and while we were eating a few more patrons came and went, for both eat in and take away.

Xaria said the scones were average, not bad but nothing to right home about, and thought premix... I thought they were okay, but like Xaria not the "OMG you have to try this scone" if there is such a thing.  The coffee's was pretty good to be fair though mine have a bit much froth for a flat white, but tasted fine. 

So the all important question did it feel like a café and have that cafe culture or atmosphere to it. Unfortunately I think no, it felt more like a big corporate lunch room or school canteen. Whilst the food and service was fine the café culture was not there. Would you go there to met up with friends etc, maybe, would you go there for breakfast (which they do as the do open pretty early) sure... but all depends what you like, and while this is not a bad thing there is that something that is missing to give that atmosphere... BUT again to be fair with the Doughbin Bakery & Catering meets our criteria of being a café.

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