Category: Cafescapade
Category : Opinion
Author: Xaria

On the way back home, we dropped into 'Night N Day' for a coffee and sausage roll.

Whilst we knew that it would not be a full café experience "BUT" and there is always a but... it had café in the name, we had to try it.

They do have a wide range of food as serve-over, sandwiches, hot pies (and sausage rolls), muffins, donuts and slices and fried food. Also, foods to be heated to order. Scones are usually available, but they seemed to be out of stock today.


We went for a sausage roll, feta and spinach roll and Nighthawk had to get some cris-cross chips with sour cream and sweet chilli as well as our standard coffees. This came to just under thirty dollars.

The coffee was surprisingly better than we had predicted and the sausage rolls were mass produced but not too bad for all of that.

While we probably wouldn’t meet up with friends as the seating was rather token – four bar stools in the window, it did meet our criteria We would be most likely to drop into one of these chains for a coffee and a quick bite when travelling say to Alexandra from Dunedin etc, but over all it was surprisingly better than expected.

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