Category: Nighthawks Other Hobbies

It was like any Tuesday morning Paula already up and about, me slowly moving from my slumber. I get up and do the usual morning things I usually do in the morning. Rimu our dog was wanting her morning walk... Paula was about to do this she grabbed her jacket, whilst it was still and not raining it still had a chill in the air as winter is slowly setting in.

I make my morning coffee... I can not function without this, It is like gasoline for your car, without it you are going nowhere, and without coffee, I go nowhere. It wasn't one of my better coffees, wasn't bad, just not good. I probably didn't stir it properly...

Sitting down in front of the computer to answer morning emails, youtube comments and check social media, quietly snipping my coffee, my brain drifts to what is on the known schedule at work and if I remember correctly there was a junction to make and some spouting angles and grate adaptors to do.

I hear music... wait what, oh my cell phone is ringing, it is at this point my day turned in to a crap day... and Paulas turned in to an even worse day.

Crossing the main road at the set of lights going with the lights, Paula had been knocked over by a car. Now she was conscious and obviously dazed, but she was taken to A&E via ambulance. The Ambo guys weren't sure but thought maybe just bad bruising etc...

Now here is the funny part... Paula knew I had work to go to, and said That I need to get to work she will be ok she will ring when she knows something... and know there is nothing I can do while she is in A&E. So I went to work. Once at work I rang her work to inform them, however, Paula had already done this from A&E.

After an hour or so at work, I had not heard anything so I rang A&E and nobody knew what day it was. Still waiting on X-ray or something... My workmates were saying you should be there... (deep down yeah I know) it was like this... If I don't go, I will get where were you? If I do go, I will get what are you doing here... so decided I will go down...

Paula's first comment was... "What are you doing here?"

So I waited with her for an hour or so, and finally, they came to take her for a CT scan (or something) this was going to take half to a whole hour... and she said go back to work and I will let you know.

It turns out quite a bad fracture and requires a pin... and in hospital for 4 days... layed up for 6 weeks and well I have to look after her just for the basics...

Now to our US friends that hope we get a good payout for damages, well in NZ it doesn't work like that here we can't sue, because we have what is call ACC (Accident Compensation Corporation) You pay towards this various ways automatically comes out of you pay and is part of your PAYE. Also, a large portion of your vehicle registration is ACC fee etc. So because you are automatically covered by ACC you can't sue the driver, Now this does not mean is not going to charge.

She is now part cyborg, with pins in her leg and exo-frame support Forrest Gump leg ... and has to use walking frame, she came home yesterday and it means I have to spend more time looking after her just doing the basic things till she recovers...

So why I am telling you this because in turn I am not sure about my youtube channel and when the next video will be... or when I can actually just go into the basement and tinker... I am hoping a couple of weeks she will be able to look after herself a bit better than she can now... So... if you hear or see a comment why I haven't put up a video, that is why and you may reply with my reason... just so that person knows. (if that makes sense) :-/

Kind regards

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