Category: Music
Author: Nighthawk

The PlanĀ (Terry Prong Collab remix)

The original version can be foundĀ here. This track was originally released in 2004 and is one of my most downloaded and beloved tracks to date. Probably one of my all-time favorite tracks I have written.

The story

In 2005 an awesome musician named Terry Prong remixed and added a killer guitar riffs and some sound effects. Upon receiving the remix version it then inspired me to add a little more to the track.

When the track was released to on many music hosting sites people started to actually ask what the plan was... Both Terry and I played along making it sound like a super-secret plan... It was a fun.

Because of this track being a collab with Terry Prong I did not have full rights to the track to release it under Creative Commons License. I have now approached Terry asking if I could release this version of the track under CCL and he said go for it.

Hits: 1146
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