Category: Humour
Category : News

What is wrong with this picture.

  1. Clock is running backwards.
  2. Brooms in the fridge.
  3. Books under the sink.
  4. There is no room to store items on top shelf under sink or the sink would not fit.
  5. No latch or handle on cupboard by door.
  6. Possibly no latch on opposite end cupboard door.
  7. Main door has no latch.
  8. Night time in window, day time in doorway.
  9. Curtains on the outside of the window.
  10. That is not how carrots grow.
  11. Polisher not plugged in nor has a chord.
  12. Polisher is polishing a rug.
  13. Female sleeves are different.
  14. Female smiling while doing hose work as Male lounges about.
  15. Female wearing clothes under apron?
  16. Chair is missing a castor.
  17. Male wearing one slipper and one shoe.
  18. Male only has one trouser leg rolled.
  19. In todays world... is it really a male, is she really a female?

There are others, can you spot them?

Hits: 446
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