Category: Uncatalogued
Category : News
Author: Nighthawk

So welcome to Nighthawk.NZ it is a place where I Nighthawk well... yeah it’s just a blog where I talk crap and have news articles if I am going to be totally honest... I will talk on any topic from my hobbies of woodworking & motorcycling to politics, religion, defence, and other touchy subjects, I will even talk on the flat earth and other conspiracies... and to my thoughts on things in general. The site itself will be a sort of organised chaos... that will constantly change and evolve.

There will be news articles on a variety of topics, there will be humour, cartoons & meme's on a variety of topics, and there will be news and info, my blogs on a variety of topics. There is also going to be Freeware links and my music links. The front or home page will constantly and dynamically have new info displayed as articles, stories, blogs and memes are added. I will be covering New Zealand's defence and the state that it is in which is not good and getting worse, as well as a variety of other topics and hobby's.

Always see what category the article is in and what website it came from. That will give you a clue if it is serious or a piece of real news.

But eventually, the part that I am looking forward to is the forums... While I am not going to be too PC about things there will be still some rules, as long as if you are not breaking the law... 



Be pre-warned, I will take the piss out of anyone, on any topic and any subject. So if you are easily offended then this site is probably not really for you.
I am sick and tired of the Politically Correct world we live in. Sick of the nanny state that New Zealand has turned into. Well, we will have some fun on this site then won't we...
By the way, I don't give a rats arse about your namby-pamby feelings or if I am politically incorrect, I don't care if you got offended. I don't give a shit or a fuck about your made up pronouns ... you are either a girl or a boy, he or she, him or her... So what if you do get offended, grow up and grow some balls and welcome to the real world.

So if you easily get offended this site probably not going to be for you. But if you are easily wound up on subjects in general, then stick around and give me time to wind you up.

So I will be trying to find some weird and wonderful stories from the web, some weird and wonderful blogs I have for my general out and about life in general, and there will be my thoughts and processes, from political to general stuff that effects me. I will also cover Defence and my other hobbies.

But my warning stands...

I am from the forgotten generation, Generation X and we don't give a fuck. I won't be PC or politically correct about most things and I simply don't give a shit.


Articles, posts, opinions, views and especially the humour expressed on this website are not necessarily the opinion of the website owner "" or that of anyone that works for "". Many of the articles and opinions are purposely written to cause controversy as well as to start talking on the subject.


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