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Author: David Axe

U.S. Air Force leaders in early 2021 all but admitted what critics have been saying for many years—the $100-million F-35 stealth fighter that Lockheed Martin LMT -0.4% is building for the service is too expensive and unreliable for hard, day-to-day use.

After 20 years of tortured development, the stealth fighter’s problems have gotten so bad that some officials have floated the idea of launching a new program to build a cheaper, more reliable fighter—one that finally might replace the Air Force’s roughly 1,000 old F-16s.

After all, it’s increasingly apparent the F-35 will never be as affordable and flyable as the stalwart F-16 is.

Just how big of a mess is the F-35? Dan Grazier, an analyst with the Washington, D.C.-based Project on Government Oversight, closely read the U.S. Defense Department’s latest weapons-testing report and came to sobering conclusion. The F-35 “remains in every official sense nothing more than a massively expensive prototype,” Grazier wrote.

He highlighted four problems in particular. In Grazier’s own words:


So what went wrong? Lockheed and the Pentagon baked fundamental flaws into the F-35 program from the start in 2001, Grazier said. “It was based on technology requirements,” he said. “It wasn’t based on combat requirements.”

In other words, the F-35’s designers started with unproven tech such as new sensors, fancy cockpit equipment and novel radar-absorbing materials and asked themselves, “What can we do with all this?”

The answer, it turns out, is a whole lot—but none of it well and never efficiently.

“It’s the exact opposite of how really classic and effective aircraft began,” Grazier added. In the case of successful designs, the developers “started with combat requirements in mind, based on actual combat experience—and the technology available at the time was used to make a very effective aircraft.”

Take the A-10, an affordable, survivable attack plane that remains as relevant today as when it first entered service in 1976. The requirements were clear—fly low and slow with a powerful gun and plenty of underwing munitions in order to support ground troops in even the most intensive close combat.

The requirements not only were goals—they were boundaries. To support infantry, the A-10 didn’t need to be supersonic like the F-35 is. It didn’t need to fly from an aircraft carrier like the F-35 can do. It certainly didn’t need to be stealthy like the F-35 purports to be.

In the case of the A-10, combat-driven requirements helped to produce a plane that did at least one thing very well and reliably—and at acceptable cost. That makes it pretty much the opposite of the F-35 with its ambivalent performance, poor reliability and high cost.

“The F-35 program is approaching a crossroads,” Grazier wrote. “The U.S. taxpayers are paying a premium for an aircraft that is supposed to be able to do it all. It is being tested to see if it can live up to the lavish promises made to sell the program. But that testing is revealing significant deficiencies.”

The Air Force already has paid for around 250 F-35s. It originally wanted more than 1,700 of the planes. It’s increasingly likely production will end well before that point.

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