Category: Cafescapade
Category : News
Author: Nighthawk and Xaria

Welcome to Nighthawk and Xaria's Cafescapade's, where we travel about to various different cafe's have a coffee and a bite to eat like sausage roll, cheese roll or maybe a cheese scone. On the odd occasion we may eat a full lunch meal.

We are slowly falling for the cafe culture here in Dunedin, NZ and have regularly visited may different cafes in our local area.  However if we are traveling about we will most definitely visit a cafe or two in a new area we are in. We have also been known just to Tiki-Tour about just to try and  find a cafe we have not been to before as as on public holidays finding ones that are open.

We may or may not critique the cafe, staff, service and even the food etc... however the coffee not so much as coffee is such a personal taste. Some people like it hot, some like it more mild warm and drinkable straight away, some want it more milky, others less so... and yet other people add sugar, some people like the burnt taste on the beans, others not so much. You may not even like that particular flavour of beans they are using on that particular day. So there are so many variables to a coffee it becomes hard to critique. Also there are only so many ways to say the coffee was good... ;-) 

We do have quiet a long list of cafes to visit just in the Dunedin area...

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